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Chapter 3

I woke up around what I assumed would be early morning on the surface. I knew this because I was dead tired but I couldn't fall back asleep thanks to my growling stomach.

I sat up, careful not wake up Eric who was snoring beside me, and slipped on boots.

As I stood up I noticed something sitting on the floor. It was a small plate with two slices of butterscotch-cinnamon pie. I smiled and put them in my inventory before leaving the room and carefully closing the door behind me.

I walked into the living room to find Toriel sitting in her recliner reading a book.

"Oh are you up already? I see. Goodmorning my child." She stroked my dark hair.

"Morning." I said smiling at her.

"I want you to know how glad I am to have someone here. There are so many old books I'd like to share, and I should show you my favorite bug-hunting spot. I've also prepared a curriculum for your education. I've always wanted to be a teacher, I'm hoping to start a school one day. Still I want you to know I am very happy to have you both living here." She said smiling widely.

I'm a terrible person.

"Toriel...I need to ask you something." I asked not looking her in the eyes.

"Hm? Yes, what is it?" I paused and said,

"When can we go home?" Her eyes widened a bit.

"W-what do you mean sweetheart. This is your new home!" She said smiling wearily.

I'm sorry Toriel.

"How do we leave the ruins?"

She stood up and put her book down, looking very flustered.

"Um there's something I have to take care of. I'll be right back, just wait here."

She fled the room in a white blur. I stared after her feeling pretty terrible.
Still, it's not like I had much of a choice.

I sighed and went into the kitchen, hoping to find something to eat. Then I would try to convince Toriel to help us.

Her kitchen was very neat and tidy, although there were tufts of her white fur stuck in the drain. I grabbed a chocolate bar from the fridge and took a bite. Surely she wouldn't mind.

As I chewed my eyes wandered the room, taking it all in. For some reason I focused on a small drawer and felt sort of attracted to it. My arm seemed to move on it's own as it slid it open. It was full of forks and spoons.

A voice in my head that was not mine suddenly whispered,

'Where are the knives?'

As soon as I heard the voice I quickly snapped out of my trance-like state and quickly shut the drawer. I had goosebumps all over my skin and my entire body was trembling.

Not wanting it to happen again I ran out of the kitchen and decided to search for Toriel.

She wasn't in any of the rooms, not even her own. The only place in the house that I hadn't searched yet was the basement. I went into our room and shook Eric awake.

"Eric wake up!" He groaned and smacked my hands away.

"We have to find Toriel. Get up!"

"Fine." He mumbled before sitting up and stretching.

He had a very messy bed-head. Tufts of his hair were sticking up all over the place. I handed him his glasses and converse and soon we were both going down the basement stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2016 ⏰

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