A Celebration and School

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Toby leaves the room.
"Keep my hoodie for now. I'll put something else on." Jeff says.
You put on a pair of shorts and Jeff put on his pants and a black tank top.
You both make it out to the dining room and everybody is there except Slendy.
You and Jeff sit down next to each other.
Suddenly the front door opens and Slendy walks in with a pair of footsteps following.
Slendy stands in the doorway to the dining room and walks aside letting someone walk through.
The person walking into the room is your friend, (y/bff/n).
She looks around and sees Jeff.
She looks horrified.
"Uh, (y/bff/n)? Are you okay?" you ask.
"WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!?!" she screams.
You facepalm and walk up to her.
"(y/bff/n), it's me, (y/n)."
"(y-y/n)? What happened to you? Your face! Your hair!"
"Don't be afraid of these people, they are now our family."
Way to break it to her.
Shut up Jeff.
"Jeff..." you say angrily while looking back at him.
"I will take my hoodie back. Right here, right now."
You look back at your friend.
"You live here now, okay? Trust me, these are not bad people. Well, they're murderers, but they're not bad people."
"M-m-murderers?!?!" she screams in fear.
"She's killed some people too you know." Jeff cuts in.
"W-what? You killed people? Why?"
"It's now my job, yours too."
"I think I get it now, but why isn't anyone here in jail?" she asks.
"The cops simply can't catch us. We are creepypastas. We are faster than them." you respond coolly.
"Well, let the celebration commence!" you shout.
You all feast on a large meal.
Some are drinking.
After the festivities, you pass out from exhaustion.
You have to go back to school tomorrow, and it's quite late.
When you wake up, you change from your shorts, and that's all.
You keep the hoodie on.
You brush your hair, grab your pack, and go to school.
You ride the bus you always used to ride.
When you get on, everyone is quiet, staring at you.
Everyone is staring at me, Jeff help!
No answer.
He was still asleep.
Where is your mind when I need it?!?!
You sit down in an empty seat.
You get to school and walk to your home room.
When you sit in your seat, some kid says, "Hey, that's (y/n)'s seat."
You respond with, "I am (y/n)."
"What happened to your mouth and hair?" the kid asked.
"It's none of your business." you answer sassily.
Nice sass!
Now you're here? What the fuck is wrong with you?!?!
I'm Jeff, that's what's wrong with me.
Fuck you.
Well fuck you too!
You lay your head down on your desk.
Somebody asks, "What's wrong?"
You ignore them.
Soon its first hour, and people leave you alone.
Time flies by and in what seems like 30 minutes, it is forth hour.
The tv in the room turns on showing the news.
The headline reads, "Identity of New Murderer Found?"
Oh shit!
What is it?
"We have reason to believe that (y/n) is the murderer. Police are to question her tonight." says the news woman.
Everyone stares at you.
I'm almost there, I'm a couple feet away from the cops. Go out into the hallway and I will pretend to kidnap you!
You pack up your stuff and run out into the hallway.
The principal starts giving the commands for internal lockdown and you see Jeff running toward you in his clothes from last night.
Some girls from your class run to the door to peek through the window on the door.
The teacher yells for them to get away from the door.
I brought your knife if you want to do a quick spree.
Okay. What harm will it do now?
He hands over your knife and breaks through the door.
Some girls start to fangirl at the sight of him.
"Shut up girls, he's mine. Isn't that right, Jeff?"
"That's right. She's mine and I'm hers."
You both break down laughing.
What the hell is wrong with us?!?!
We are ourselves, that's what's wrong, (y/n).
The kids and teacher are giving you a weird look.
"What? Even killers have to laugh!" you shout.
Ready for this?
I think I am. Before, I was such a wimp, but this is my job.
You run to a girl that used to bully you all the time.
"I think you're the first to go."
You plunge the knife into her torso.
The other kids sit there, shocked.
"Hey, can I join this badassery?" someone asks.
Toby's here.
"Go ahead. They're all yours Toby."
You stab the bully more.
She cries out in pain.
The more she cries out, the happier you get.
Something finally snaps, and your thoughts are clouded out once more.
You move onto more people.
The more people, the more brutal the murder became.
It was all three of you, against one class and the kids couldn't defend themselves.
You all walk out of the school feeling like badasses.
Suddenly, there are sirens.
You all run.
You've never felt more alive!
The urge to kill gets stronger as your high dies down.
You finally get back to the mansion.
"What the hell, (y/n)? Why are you back so soon?" asks Slendy.
"They found me out." you said, still in a trance.
Um, (y/n), are you alright? You aren't acting like yourself.
Oh, I'm great! I'm better than great! I'm terrific!
Jeff looks into your eyes, worried.
They are the same way they were yesterday in bed.
You get out of it, but it was harder to come back this time.

A New Creepypasta Love (Jeff the killerx Reader)Where stories live. Discover now