A Surprise to the House

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Both tests came back positive.
You begin to cry.
(y/n)? Are you okay?
(y/n)? What happened?
The-they're positive...
You hear nothing from Jeff.
You walk back to your room, head hung in shame.
Toby sees you and asks what is wrong.
"Toby, I-" you get out.
You can't say anything.
You're too shocked.
"(y/n), what's wrong?" he persists.
You just walk inside your room and slam the door.
This can't be happening... It just can't be!
I get it we're both in denial, (y/n), but there's nothing we can do. We'll just have to take care of the child. It will be ours.
I get that! It's just... How are we going to take care of a kid?
We'll work it out, I guess. But, how will the others react?
Quite honestly, I don't want to tell them.
We'll have to at some point.
I'm thinking about telling them tomorrow.
We'll be taunted, but we have to say something.
The conversation ends and you both go to bed.
You are so exhausted from today's events that you just pass out.
After a night of restless sleep, you ask Slendy to bring together everyone.
They are all asking why there's a meeting so early in the morning, but you just couldn't wait any longer.
"(y/n) apparently has something to tell us." Slendy announces.
You and Jeff stand before the small group of people.
I don't know how to say it!
Just come out and say it. We can't hold it off and they're going to be angry if we brought them here for nothing.
Okay, I got this.
Just say it you pansy! you think to yourself.
"I'm p-p..."
Come on! Do it already!
"Everybody, I'm... pregnant."
You did it.
Everyone looks shocked, and you are blushing profusely.
Toby looks the most shocked, with his expression completely changed from normal.
He walks up to you, grabs your arm, and drags you to a corner to talk in private.
"Why didn't you tell me last night? I thought you took a test and it came back negative!" he whisper-shouts.
"It was a false-negative. It was too early. Jeff and I took two from the drug store last night." you manage.
He has a concerned look.
"I was worried about you last night. You were crying and I feared that you and Jeff broke up..."
"Toby, I-"
"No matter how much I love you, all I wish is for you to be happy."
He kisses you.
Jeff looks over, anger on his face.
Toby puts his tongue in your mouth and Jeff walks over, irritated.
"Okay, I've had enough of this."
He pries Toby away from you and pulls up your sleeve, revealing the scar of the letter "J".
"I marked her as mine! You can't have her!"
"Jeff! Stop!"
"(y/n), how could you let this piece of shit kiss you?!?!" Jeff shouts.
"Jeff, (y/n), I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." Toby says.
"Hey! That's my line!" Ben yells.
Everyone shouts, "Shut up Ben!"
"I know, you're dating, but I-I just... I can't accept it."
"Oh, Toby...."
"And now you're having a child! I can't take it! I love you too much! I can't help it!"
"Toby, I-"
"No, (y/n), I just wanted one more kiss before I lost you to Jeff forever."
You escape Jeff's grip.
You give Toby a hug.
He's now crying.
"I love you." he gets out before he loses it.
"Shh... You don't have to say anything."
You are hugging for what seems like eternity, but it's not a bad thing.
You finally let go and see Toby's face, tears streaming down.
You hand him a tissue and he wipes his tears.
Everyone but Toby and you go back to their rooms.
You make Toby a lot of waffles so he can eat his heart out.
"Man... I didn't think you had that kind of courage." you say, breaking the silence.
"Well, something had to be said, and the time was right. I still can't believe you're pregnant." he responds.
"It was kinda a shock to all of us."
"I could tell Jeff wasn't going to take it too well."
"He's actually pretty good about it. He's just a little rattled."
With that, he finishes up his waffles and you both go back to your rooms.
The next eight months go by as you gain weight and prepare to be a parent.
Jeff is still not ready, and there has been no word on Zalgo.
You know he's after you and Jeff, but you don't know when he will attack.
Toby stays pretty much the same, but he's a little more on edge now.
You're just going around the house when you hear some commotion coming from Clockwork's room.
"I wanted to tell you something, Toby." she says.
"What is it Natalie?" a voice asks.
It must be Toby.
Something must be really happening because Clockwork hates it when someone calls her by her real name.
"Toby, I know you like that girl, but I can't hold this in any longer."
Your face is now pressed up against the crack between the door and the frame.
"I love you." she says.
You lose your balance and fall through the doorway as Toby says, "I'm sorry, but I just don't feel the same way."
They look at you.
Clockwork is blushing.
Pissed is one way to describe her expression.
Toby is just standing there, twitching and ticking, like normal.
"I swear I there will be HELL to pay if you tell anyone you heard this!" Clockwork yells.
You're in trouble now, (y/n)!
Shut up Jeff!
"Don't worry, I won't tell." you answer.
"I wasn't talking to you, I know you won't tell. I'm talking to Jeff! You hear that! THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY!"
Yep, things are still the same!
You walk back to your room, finding (y/bff/n) standing by the door.
"What's up?" you ask.
"Well, Slendy wanted me to pass the message that we hear that Zalgo is going to attack tonight." she answers.
"Why now, though?"

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