My Purpose

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You and Hiro walked around in downtown San Fransokyo, hand in hand as you made small talk with him. It had been about a year and bit since you two met in the graveyard (of all places to meet...) and a lot has happened since then. For starters, there was him asking to see you again, and he asked for your number. Then there was the first date, where he took you for a walk around the parks and gardens. It was quiet, peaceful, and gave you two complete privacy (except maybe for a jogger every now and then). Simple, but perfect. Then the first kiss a few dates later, while he was watching a movie with you. With every first, you fell for him a little more.

The lanterns were strung up tonight, each a different colour and pattern. The tiny lights inside them flickered softly, bringing the patterns to life as they illuminated the night sky.

"It's so beautiful here tonight," you breathed in wonder, one hand intertwined with Hiro's and one hand shoved inside your favourite coat pocket.

"It is," he agreed, looking up at a baby-blue coloured one, decorated with flowers. "Can't quite match up to you, though." He commented cheekily.

"Ohhh," you groaned at his cliché, lightly hitting him on his arm. He could be such a sap sometimes. Well actually, make that all the time... but it was cute, and one of the many things you loved about him.

"Hey look, that shop is selling some gummy bears," he pointed out said shop to you, brightly decorated in pinks and yellows further up the road. "Do you mind if I run in and grab some?"

"You and your gummy bears," you rolled your eyes. "No, I suppose I don't."

"Thank you, love" he pecked the corner of your lips quickly and dashed in ahead of you, leaving you blushing slightly in the cold chill of the night. Even at the age of 16, he still acted like a 5 year old child on Christmas whenever there were gummy bears involved.

You follow him slowly along the footpath, where you could see him grabbing an entire bag off the shelf and bringing it to the cashier in the window, in the time span of fifteen seconds. Silently, you marvelled at his swiftness and at how quickly he could get things done.

"You and your gummy bears," you repeated as he walked back out of the shop towards you, grinning and already munching on one. Or was it five?

"What? They're really good!" You laugh a little at his childishness, but beginning to lead the way up the path again.

After a moment, you came to a cherry blossom tree, not the biggest you'd ever seen but it had many, many sakura blossoms. When it swayed in time with the wind, the pink petals fell, fluttering daintily to the ground.

"I love cherry blossoms," you mentioned to Hiro. "They're really pretty, and they look so...unique."

He nodded slowly, though it looked like he was deep in thought about something as he stared up at its tall branches. Thinking he was just admiring the tree, you waited a second before turning to walk away and keep on going, but soon realised this wasn't the case as he wasn't following you.

"...Hiro? You alright?" You asked, going back to him.

"Uh huh..." He murmured, but still not looking at you. You were puzzled, but decided to leave him be and let his train of thoughts pass. This wasn't the first time where you'd hung out with him and he needed a few moments to think, whether it be about his next project or a sudden thought.

After what felt like five minutes of silence (really it was only one), you were ready to pull him along with you. However, as soon as you reached for his arm, he spoke up.

"Remember the first time we met? In a graveyard of all places?"

You stop for a second, frowning at his sudden question. "Yeah of course, how could I forget?" You reassured him hesitantly. Where was he going with this, and what was going through his head now?

"This was the tree where... he... ya know, took that picture..."

You suddenly felt like someone threw a cup of cold water in your face. His brother, Tadashi. The picture on the gravestone was of Tadashi standing in front of a cherry blossom tree. This exact one they stood now in front of. Was it bringing back painful memories for him?

"Hiro... I'm so sorry, if I had known..." You offered him your support immediately.

"And you didn't. It's fine," he smiled at you. Glancing one more time at the tall tree, he wrapped an arm around your waist (you did the same for him) and led you away.

After a moment of walking, he said, "You know how you said you believe everyone was born for a reason or a purpose?"

"...yes?" you were confused, and frankly a little worried. Did you say something wrong?

"Well, I think I know one of mine."

"One of yours?" you question, tilting your head to the side as you looked up at him. He stopped walking and looked down at you, smiling as if he was admiring you, his brown eyes twinkling in the light of the lanterns. You stopped walking too and turned to face him.

"Well, I don't know if I'm meant to build some kind of life-changing contraption and change the world for good like Edison or Einstein, but I do know one of my purposes."

"Oh yeah?" You ask, interested in what he was trying to say. "And what might that be?"

"My purpose is you."


A/N: I should probably have a set time table for when I update... eh, when I figure one out I'll let you guys know :P

As always, reads, votes and comments are always appreciated! As are any ideas or suggestions ^^

~Charmaine/Kia xx

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