It's You

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You have never known colour in your entire life. 

All you have ever known in your life is the varying shades of white, grey and black. When you woke up in the morning, the first thing you always thought of was what colour your room was. What colour were the clothes you wore? What colour were the curtains? Your hair? Your eyes? 

The only way to be able to see colour, in this society, was to find your soulmate. No scientist in the world have been able to find proof or evidence as to why this was happening, it just did. You weren't complaining; while it was quite fascinating, you'd rather not have terms and scientific mumbo-jumbo plague and ruin such a cute concept. 

In this day and age, people worried that they would never know what colour was. Worried that they would never find out what colour the sky was, or just how different the world looked in colour rather than in black and white. For you, you chose not to thinking about it, repressing that thought and pushing it right to the back of your mind. After all; you were still young. You can worry about that much later. 

You pushed back your light grey bed covers, slipping on your white slippers and moving to open the dark grey door. 

I haven't got much in the fridge, you suddenly remembered as you brushed your teeth. I'll go down for a coffee; I haven't done that for a while anyway. I might go to the cafe in the train station on my way to uni, since I've got class today anyway. 

You begin your same old boring routine of getting dressed and brushing your hair. Honestly, you felt as if you would find greater joy in doing such tasks if only you could see colour. Then you could actually have some fun picking out what to wear for the day, or how to fix your hair with clips and rubber bands. 

The walk down the street towards the train station was anything but interesting. Everything was the same to you, distinguished only by different shades of white and grey, with the occasional black colour dotting different objects here and there. The grand entrance to the train station was rimmed with black, sticking out like a sore thumb. As it was such an important building, it was purposely designed for those who have not yet found their soulmate. It worked; you could never miss it, even if you were daydreaming. Smiling to yourself, you made your way towards it. 

I can't even begin to imagine what colour actually looked like, all I've ever known were washed out greys and whites. You thought to yourself. Suddenly being able to see something different... something other than whites and greys...  was it a good scary or a bad scary? 

You sighed as you made your way down the station, quickly checking time timetable posted on a  TV screen and quickly determining that today, you needed to go down to platform 2. 

You began the walk there, with every intention of stopping at a coffee shop to grab your breakfast. You only hoped you could get there fast enough; there was quite a large crowd in the station today and you didn't want to waste your time pushing through people just to get a coff-. 

Suddenly, out of nowhere, you saw it. Just for a quick second, but you saw it. You saw something other than grey on the sign of the coffee store. Just for a split second, you saw a vibrant colour that was nothing you've ever seen before... but then faded back to the grey you were used to seeing. 

Soulmate... you breathed. 

You whipped around, eyes darting frantically through the crowds of bustling people. No one gave her a second glance; everyone continued on their daily business. No one that you can see had the same awestruck look you had, looking for a soulmate like you were. 

Now you were desperate. You saw something! You know you saw it! You weren't imagining, you really did see something other than grey!! 

I won't let that go so easily! You promised yourself, slinging your bag over your shoulder and with your heart pounding almost painfully in your ears, began to run through the crowd, ignoring the angry mutters from those you pushed away. You had to find him before he left, or goodness knows when you'd ever meet again. 

You hurried back down the station in the opposite direction you were in, allowing your eyes to roam over every person who walked there, praying and begging inside your head that you could see something different, something other than three colours. 

Come on, come on, please... you murmured, running around a corner. Everytime you saw a young teenage boy, your heart leaped for a moment, before realising with a sinking heart that you still couldn't see anything other than greys and whites, like every other day. Pressing your lips together, you stopped in your tracks. He was probably already gone by now. Perhaps it was better not to go looking. Perhaps it would be better to just let things run its course and let fate do its job. But oh! You saw something, you saw something other than grey! You know you did... You didn't want to let that go so soon. 

Readjusting your bag, you began the long walk back to platform 2. You'd already been late twice to your uni classes in the past two weeks, it was really better not to be late a third week. 

Absentmindedly, you pulled your phone out of your bag, seeing a text from your best friend as you switched it on. 

Hurry up, (y/n)!! Better not be late again or the prof will have your head ;P 

You grinned, tapping back a reply swiftly before slipping your phone back inside your bag. You looked up to see where you were...

...and it hit you. It hit you so suddenly that your head began to spin, and you almost passed out. What was happening? Were you sick?

But as soon as it began, it was over. Shocked, you blinked once, twice, three times, wondering what the heck just happened to you. 

Another second passed before you realised... the world was different. It was different! It was... no longer three colours. It was... There were too many different colours to count. 

You looked at the shops around you in wonder. You had passed them a hundred times before on your way to your uni classes, but now they were more beautiful than anything you had ever seen. You stared at the crowd walking past you in new understanding. Now... now you understood why colour was so difficult to explain to someone who had not yet met their soulmate. Now you understand that colour is something you cannot explain, it had to be seen and felt. You've never felt more alive in your life than now. 

Your eyes suddenly latched onto a young, teenage boy standing near you. His hair was messy and the shade of black you had seen before. His clothes... they weren't white or grey. They had colour. They actually had something else other than grey and white. He too, was staring at his surroundings with a look of awe on his face, and even stretched out his hands in front of him, studying them with newfound wonder. 

All of a sudden, he glanced up; his deep eyes locking onto yours. Your heart leaped again. He stared at you for a moment, open-mouthed, before making his way toward you slowly. You mirrored his actions; meeting in the middle. No words were exchanged between you; instead you took the time to study his face. This... this was your soulmate. This was the man who brought colour to your world. This was the man who would change you for the better and turn your life upside down. 

Your eyes locked onto each other's once more, breathless. Your breath hitched as you opened your mouth to say something. He mirrored your actions, and both of you said simultaneously in shock and awe,

"It's you." 


I promised I would update soon! I've been meaning to write this for a while now, but I haven't had the chance to until now. I hope my take on this was a good read, because I thought this was a really cute idea :)

If only finding our soulmate was that easy in real life, am I right?

Thank you all for reading so much, I love all you guys and your support keeps me going with this book :) 

See you all soon! 

~Charmaine/Kia xxx

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