Chapter 5 Jane the killer

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(Jenna's POV)

I looked at the knife realizing it was the same as the one in the knife rack of my kitchen. "well then..." I said staring at the now broken window and then at my closet. "I'd better get ready if I'm going to meet the others." I opened my closet taking out my ripped jeans, blue T-shirt and dark grey hoodie. (Media above) I got my black sneakers from beside my bed and put them on jumping out my window landing silently keeping the knife in my pocket I began to walk into the forest behind my house not surprisingly called Slender Woods. As I walked I hummed a familiar tune, Slenderman's Lullaby. (- is her singing)

- Someones always watching me, Someones always there

when I'm sleeping he just waits and he stares.

Someones always standing in the darkest corner of my room

he's tall and wears a suit of black, dressed like the perfect groom.

Where are you going? Why won't you stay? They might be scared of you, but I just want to play.

He haaas no face, he hides with the trees. He loves little children when they beg and scream

Please... -

I smiled and laughed a little after I sang the song holding the knife in my hoodie pocket as I leaned against a tree I put my hood up waiting for the person to come closer and take out the knife as I hear voices, there were two voices.

Girl: "wow this place isn't that spooky."
Boy: "see I told you-hey what's that sound? It sounds like singing."

I grinned as I sang another song I knew.
- come little children, I'll take thee away... - (song above)

Comment if you want me to continue!!!

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