Get To Know...Santana4

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I'm Santana (original username, I know). I'm the youngest writer, I'll be 14 in July. I live on a farm in New Jersey with my parents and nine older brothers and their families. It's going to be tough for me getting to opportunity to write for the magazine because all summer I'm hanging out with friends, volunteering at church or working on my family's farm.

Anyway, I'm just a little bit psycho, don't attempt to understand me. I like a wide range of things: theater, dancing, helping out at church, singing, writing, reading, acting, cheerleading, volleyball, swimming, Pretty Little Liars and a whole lot of other things. I can speak fluent Spanish, French and Portuguese (my mother is from Spain, my father is Portuguese descent and I know French from school), so I'll be writing a column in Spanish each month in addition to my own column. My English-language column will be a review of teen fiction and fan fiction.

Warning: I am very blunt, foul-mouthed, sarcastic and straightforward. I'm also going to be very hard on fan fiction, especially One Direction. I'm sorry to Directioners and not sorry to Directionators but honestly most fan fiction is cliche, horribly written junk. Teen fictions, it depends but I will mostly review books that I liked.

I like to think that I'm an amazing writer but you can decide on that. I've been writing stories ever since I knew how to write in English, (when I was 5 or 6). I like to write teen, spiritual and historical fiction. I love studying history.

Also, I'm a huge Les Miserables fan. I'm currently re-reading the book and I watch the movie at least once a week. If any Miserables want to chat, just PM me and I can talk about it all day.

Anyway, I'm just kind of spouting off whatever comes to mind. I can't think of anything else that's important right now. Can't wait to see you on the First of July at my column entitled "Rich White Girl Problems with Santana".

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