C h a p t e r 3

11 2 0

Mariahrose P.O.V.

I went back to the outside and avoided all the boys' looks by going onto the diving board and doing a cannon ball. It was a huge splash and when I surfaced all the boys were whooping and hollering.
"Oh yeah! That's my girl." I looked around at the patio to see who it was and an older version of Hayes waved at me. He wasn't as hot as Hayes but he sure was cute. He walked over and hopped into the pool, swimming over to me. I smiled nervously and he grinned at me; showing dimples. Man was I a sucker for blue eyes and dimples.
He gave me his hand and we shook hands. "My name is Nash, but I already know your name." I nodded and he brought my hand to his lips, kissing it briefly. I felt myself blush and awkwardly giggled. "You should know that you are very beautiful." I melted in a puddle.
"I'm actually just a little above average but thank you." He shook his head water droplets spraying my face.
"You really have no idea do you?" he asked me. His crystal blue eyes searched my face with concern.
"I don't know you mean." He laced his fingers in mine and pulled into his house and out of the pool. The boys looked at me but I shrugged.
He brought me into a room which I assumed was his and sat me down on his bed. He looked at me in the eye and whispered, "I want you to look in the mirror and tell me what you see."
I got up and went the mirror. "I see a girl who's a little chubby in the middle area with red lips, a big nose, light brown eyes, and ugly knees."
Then I gasped when I felt warm hands wrapped around my stomach and his face rested on my shoulder. "I see a girl who is a little self-conscious about her body when she shouldn't be. Soft dirty blonde curls that I want to run my hands through, curves and legs that go on for miles, golden brown eyes that I want to look at me, a cute button nose, and plump red lips I want on mine."
And he leaned in but before anything happened; I gently pushed him away and he let go of me, clearly hurt and left the room.
I walked back outside and Nash gave me a dirty look and continued to talk to the blonde I saw earlier. I sighed and sat next to Sam again. I was gonna talk to her but Matt kept whispering things in her ear making her giggle. I rolled my eyes and sat next to an Asian dude. He smiled at me and I smiled back.
"My name is Carter," he said shaking my hand.
"My name is Mariahrose it is a pleasure to meet you."
He blew air out of his mouth and rubbed his hands on his swim trunks. "Well I want to get to know you."
"Ask away."
He nodded, "Any siblings? Favorite color? Favorite book series? Favorite activity? Middle name?"
"Two younger brothers: Sean and Benjy, Periwinkle, Hush, Hush Saga, Swimming, and I don't have a middle name." He took everything in and then decided to push me into the deep end of the pool (20 feet.) I sank to the bottom, hitting my head on the bottom and I blacked out.

Hayes P.O.V.

I didn't like the way Nash had been staring at Mariah. I wanted her all to myself, I was livid when I saw him kiss her hand. And then he had the nerve to pull her into the house? What? Luckily he came out quick enough but gave her a dirty look when she walked outside. Mariah was the sweetest person I have ever met, why would he give her a dirty look?
Then she sat next to Carter and talked to him. He looked at her the same way Nash had before he got mad. They were still talking when he pushed her off the deep end.
The boys were laughing their butts off. I laughed too but that was until she didn't surface. Sam started screaming and I didn't think I just jumped in, I dove down into the water and swam as fast as I could and saw Mariah. Her eyes closed, and bubbles appearing out of her cute little nose. I swam faster and faster and before I knew it I had her safely in my arms and onto the patio deck. I set her down and started pushing onto her stomach, trying to revive her, it didn't work. I grabbed my hair and was hyperventilating. She's gonna die. She's gonna die. So I did the first thing that came to my mind: C.P.R. I pressed my lips against hers and breathed into her. 2 breaths and 30 pushes onto her stomach then water squirted out of her mouth and she blinked open her eyes. I hugged her tightly and she cried in my shoulder.
"Nothing will ever happen to you again. I won't ever leave you alone again." I told her, stroking her head.

Sam P.O.V.

Thank God Hayes was here, because nobody else knew what to do when Mariah almost drowned. I just screamed and screamed and Matthew tried to calm me down but I couldn't. She could've died. And I didn't do anything about it. I just froze. I felt terrible about it because I could've helped her, but didn't.
Hayes had her tight around him, and she was crying. Then I cried into Matt's shoulder and kept repeating "She could've died. She could've died."
Hayes picked her up bridal style and carried her to my house. She fell asleep on the way. Her arms wrapped around Hayes. He stared at her like she was the most precious thing in the whole world.
We were in my room and that's when I woke Mariah up and we all took separate showers. She had on a onesise and her hair was divided into two pigtails. I wanted to make her feel better so I twined with her. The boys came over and changed into their boxers and played games with us.
"Let's play Truth or Dare," Taylor suggested and cozied up next to Mariah. She smiled at him and looked at me with wide eyes. 'Help' she mouthed to me. I nodded and I brought Matthew over and he sat next to Taylor while I sat next to Mariah and Hayes.
"Cameron Truth or Dare?"
He looked at me and said, "Dare."
"I dare you to change and go commando the rest of the game."
Cameron smirked and went into the bathroom and came out with nothing but a hat to cover his manhood. Mariah and I shielded our eyes and didn't even look at him.

Mariahrose P.O.V.

I was laying on Hayes when Cameron said his dare, "Mariah Truth or Dare?" I didn't want to be a punk so I picked Dare.
"I dare you to go with Hayes in the bathroom for seven minutes." I didn't move. But Hayes grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bathroom. I couldn't breathe. The door was closed shut. The boys kept playing Truth or Dare and Hayes sat me on the counter. We were eye-level to each other. He rubbed my cheek in circles, then tilted my chin toward him and leaned forward, kissing me. It was like a spark just went off in my head and his touch sent tingles up my body. He pulled me closer to him, and I wrapped my legs around his waist; kissing him harder. He broke apart and kissed my forehead smiling at me.
"You were my first kiss." I told him blushing furiously.
"I would say you were too but I would be lying," Hayes said kissing my cheek. That's when the blondie walked in and pushed us back into the room.
"Okay so I do not know any of you guys really so can you all introduce yourselves to me?"
"Matthew. Aaron. Jack G. Johnson. Cameron. Nash. Carter. Taylor. Jacob. Shawn." All the boys told me their names and I finally knew who the blonde was. Jack Johnson a rapper and just a cool guy to be around. Hayes sat me on his lap and kissed my cheek every now and then. The game still went on but then it got interesting very fast. "Matthew I Dare you to go into the next door room for fifteen minutes. Not Mariah's room the other one."
Sam looked at me and she was very pale. I ushered her to go and the game continued while Aaron set the timer.

Sam P.O.V.

Matthew closed the door behind me and sat me on the sofa and we were face to face. "Sam?"
"I uh..just wanted you to know that I think you're cool." He told me nervously.
"That's very sweet of you to say." I smiled at him.
He grabbed one of my sleek dark brown pigtails and messed around with it. "Actually what I mean is that I uh..."
"Yes Matthew?"
"I like you a lot." He blurted out.
I grinned, "Well that's good because I like you too."
He pressed a kiss to my lips and pulled away. "So will you be my girlfriend?"
I looked into those dark brown eyes that I fell in love with ever since I saw him. "Yes. I will."


Hey guys just updated again will tomorrow as well. Hope you loved it, I did. Anyway, have a great Black Friday and weekend.


~Mariahrose ❤❤

Instagram: mariahrose.m

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