Henry VIII

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Henry VIII was only 18 when he came to rule over England and had already married Catherine, his brother's widow. He was married to her from 1509 to 1533. In that time they had only one surviving child, and that baby was a girl. Henry was furious that he didn't have a male heir. And because Catherine wasn't able to concieve anymore he divorced her, but it was a quick divorce because the Pope wouldn't allow it. He said it was a sin to have more than one wife. But Henry wanted that divorce so he made a new church and made himself the head of his new church and divorced his wife and married a pregnant Anne Boleyn. She gave him another daughter, who would become more famous than her father. He accused her of multiple things after that. He accused her of being a witch because she had six fingers on one hand and also said she committed adultery. He had her beheaded and married her lady-in-waiting, Jane Seymour. She gave him what he wanted, a male heir. But 12 days later she died of Septicaemia and left Henry inconsolable. He said that when he died he would be buried next to her. After two years he needed to marry again to have someone look after the children and to become friends with Germany so he had a painter paint a picture of one of the Duke's daughters. He sent Hans Holbien. The painting looked beautiful but when they actually met he thought she was ugly. He called her Flanders Mare. After 6 months he divorced her and married Katheryn Howard. She was 19 and Henry was 49. She committed adultery many times and ended up with her hed on the block. His final wife was Katherine Parr. He died and left Katherin the only wife to survive a marriage to the famous Henry VIII. She died a year later in childbirth.

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