Chapter 2

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"Ready..." Honk it already! "Set..." Come on!!! "GO!!!" Finally..! I saw the boys speed past me in order to try and get a head start. I heard an evil chuckle and then Mia, my worst enemy, jogged past me, a malicious smirk on her face? "So... the big bad girl is losing, huh?" I growled under my breath and with a sudden burst of anger, I shoved her as hard as I could into the huge mud puddle next to us. That ugly ass bitch has bullied me since forever and I knew she could see the fire dancing in my eyes. She squealed as she fell hair first into the brown, mucky slop, making her look like a swamp monster in the process. Laughing, I quickly whipped out my phone and snapped a picture. Before she could say anything, I dashed off to catch up with the boys. I accelerated the speed I was going at to lead me into the light of the track. I saw Mark screaming me on next to his popular, jocky player friends, Felix, Ken and Cry, who was easily the nicest of the lot. The boys were cheering my name enthusiastically and I really appreciated the support. I smiled briefly at them before noticing an adorable, sky blue eyed, red hot guy next to them. Must be one of their friends because Felix had his arm slung around his shoulder. I saw the guy cheering me on as well. He mentioned something about speed. Luckily my cheeks were bright red from all the running or they'd have seen me blushing furiously. I smiled at him before speeding up and breezing past the others. I sped past them and leaped over the finish line. I collapsed onto the hard track floor. I heard pounding foot steps and I looked up to see Mark and Cry offering me a towel and a bottle of water. I greedily grabbed the water and chugged 3/4 of the bottle down before dumping the rest on my head. I sighed and shook my head, getting the boys wet as I did. I laughed at their damp shirts sticking to their bodies. Mark clapped me round the head. "HEY!!!" "That's what you get. Anyway let me introduce you to Jack, y'know... the leprechaun. "You racist bitch!! It's because I'm Irish isn't it? Well FIDDLE TE DE POTATOES, WHERES ME LUCKY CHARMS?!" Jack screamed, his adorable Irish accent surfacing. "It's great to meet you, Jack" I giggled. "It's wonderful to meet you too, lass. Mark never mentioned how pretty you are though." At this, Mark glared at the Irishman. I screamed inside. My cheeks flamed. "Heh, thanks!" Felix and Cry however, frowned.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2016 ⏰

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