
19 3 0

Brea p.o.v

Baby baby


Baby baby

I sang

"Bitch that is not even the song" jack dail said.

We were all sitting in my house just laughing and having a good time.

"Its my song anyway so will ya both shut the hell up" justin said paying attention to the football game that was going on.

I rolled my eyes.

Boys can be so predictable at times.

"I need a boyfriend" i say

Having everyone eye me and laugh.

"You have a boyfriend(laugh)" jack dail said

I look at him trying to find a word to say but nothing came out.

"You know its a shame no body wants you" i say smiling

He choked on his pizza.

"Cat got your tongue" i say

"Damnn brea that was one of the lame excuses you can use" he says throwing a pepperoni at me.

I stick out my tongue.

"Will you guys stop being childish" aaliyah said in between kissing carter.

"I will once you two get a room and stop sucking each other" i say.

Aaliyah gives me the finger i stick my finger up at her.

"Wanna play a game" jack dail says to everyone

We all shout no.

My advise dont ever play a game with dail it will involve clothes off and sex one of dail's favorite.

"Why do you insist on playing these dirty ass games" i say.

"Babe its dirty unless you try" he says flirting and winking

I threw a pillow at his silly ass he can be a jerk at times but be a gentleman at times to.

"Man quit flirting " i say

He rolls his eyes and pulls out hia phone.

Jada and jack was watching the plays offs with kacei and justin.

Aaliyah and carter was cuddling watching the play offs to.

As for dail and i were playing.

I grabbed his phone to see some ugly ass girl.

"Bruh you have no taste" i say looking threw his facebook to see his friends.

"I have taste" he says

I hear a snicker coming from his brother.

"Boy who is this" i say pointing to a girl who was siting at home.

She wasn't pretty but she looked ugly.

I took a picture of me and labled it.

#Hacked my best Fran shittt

I laughed as i tagged myself in his photo.

I handed his phone back and he looked though the photo i took.

"Brea i must saw you look quite original" dail said laughing.

"Oh shut up hoe" i say slapping him on the shoulder.

"Thot" he said.

I punched him in the shoulder this time making him squirm.

"COULD YALL DATE ALREADY DAMN"jada said concentrating on the play offs.

I hopped up and went into the kitchen.

Jack dail followed me in the kitchen.

"Why are you following me" i say

He doesn't answer he goes into the cabinet and gets a bag of chips and walk out.

I follow him and snatch the bag and race to the couch.

"Fat ass" he mumbled

I smirk

And put two chips in my mouth.

"Brea can i have some" jack dail says holding out his hands

I put two chips in his hands and cough on the rest.

His mouth drops open when i did that.

"Close you mouth" i snap

And he obeys my command



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