Chapter 5

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-"How are you feeling?", Bobby asked Gaga. She looked down and sighed, -"I could be better", -"Wha- arent you happy about your son?", Gaga frowned, -"I am more than happy to have Felix here Bobby. You dont know what happened in that delivery room!", -"No, I do not...What happened?", Gaga looked at her baby son in her arms and sighed deeply again, -"He almost didnt made it, Bobby...", -"...Are you gonna blame me for almost killing your child?", -"I could. But I'm so over fighting y'all. You expect me to do all these things and the reason why I get so flustered is because I wont be able to do it properly!", -"...We cant afford to give you more time, Gaga...we already did. Now you have him and-and I understand, I mean its your baby and I know you wanna spend time with him but-", -"Then you would know I cant leave him. I cant have him born in November snd release a new album on December and do promo and do choreo by January...I just cant". Bobby sighed deeply and sat beside her, -"He looks a lot like you, you know?", Gaga nodded and ran her eyes all over her son for the millionth time, -"I never thought I would ever love something more than I love music...that was until a few hours ago" she smiled, kissing her little baby's soft lips, -"Well...I know music comes second now has to be done. Theres nothing I can do-", -"Please leave" Gaga calmly requested, -"Leave?", -"I dont wanna think about this right now. Tell me why I cant just enjoy my baby the day hes born. Whyyy you feel the need to send me these emails in the most delicate time of my life? Do you just love stressing me out or I dont even know, Bobby!", Gaga wiped some tears off her eyes and Bobby backed away, -"I will call you next week. Good luck with Felix", and with that, he was gone.

Gaga sighed deeply as she laid back on her bed, Felix had fallen asleep cuddling her sweetly, she was also sleepy but the pain of the stitches didnt really let her. She was told by Aileen that it was perfectly normal, but she most definetely didnt liked the feeling of it.
Taylor was working a late night on set, he just HAD to and Gagas parents and sister were attending a wedding overseas. So now, it was only her and Felix. She turned on her iPad and put it in the iPad support case and clipped it to the side of the bed, starting a long night of Netflix and every now and then, feeding baby Felix.
It was 4am now and her and a very awake Felix were watching Hannibal. So much for a kid's show. The little boy's big, blue eyes went from his mommy's face to the bright screen. He gently clung into his mommy's soft nighty while laying his head gently on her warm chest, -"Are we sleepy now, little man?", Gaga whispered, giggling as Felix looked more awake than her, -"I think we watched enough cannibalism for tonight, dont you? How about we sleep a little?", Gaga smiled at her baby and laid him gently on the basinet beside her after kissing his little head, -"Have sweet dreams, my little angel. I love you".

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