Chapter 6

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Gaga sat on the comfy hospital couch as Aileen handed her the discharge papers, -"Sign there and you're good to go!", -"Here...thank you so much Aileen", -"Ah its been my pleasure lovelies. Now, you know everything you gotta do to keep the wound healed ok? Youre gonna come back next week to get your stitches removed aaand for this little man's check up, alright?", Gaga nodded and smiled widely, -"Thank you for saving his life" she whispered in a shallow breath, -"You both are very strong...take care alright? You'll be fine", Gaga smiled again and hugged her briefly, -"Taylor?", -"He's downstairs with my parents and-", -"Do you want me to call an elevator or someone to..?", -"Could you just wheel us out, please" Gaga chuckled, holding her son into her coat.


-"Home sweet home right?" Cynthia smiled at her daughter and took the baby out of her arms, -"Thank, feels weird to be back here", -"How do you feel babe?", Taylor asked her, -"Not so good but I'm happy to finally be here", -"Why are you not so okay?"-Joe asked her, Gaga winced and sighed, -"Well, these stitches are not doing me any favours and pain meds are still wearing off a bit....also, my management wants me to start working like...yesterday, so. I dont k ow what Im gonna do", Cynthia rolled her eyes, -"You know what youre gonna do? Take your hands off your phone, and put your hands on your son. Hes more important now than any career decision now, and hr will always come first. Dont let these assholes tell you what your priority should be, especially when they have no idea what you just went through", Gaga's big green eyes shone in grattitude and nodded, -"You're right mom...nothing should come before Felix now...thanks", -"Of course! Now, what do you need help with?", -"I guess just arranging things in his nursery, its a bit messy AND I also have to move his basinet to our room".

The whole afternoon was spent on helping Gaga settle herself and her baby back in their home, and now she was just relaxing on the balcony with her sweet son, -"You hungry?", Taylor asked, -"...A little bit" Gaga admitted, giving him a playful grin -"Good, 'cause I just ordered your favorite pizza", -"Thank you babe", -"You two okay out here? Its getting cold", -"We're fine, little man is all snug here, look...he looks like a human burrito" Gaga chuckled, Felix was wrapped with several blankets like a burrito and had a thick, woolen hat on, -"Ohhh he looks so cute!", -"You think I should just upload a picture on Instagram and let everyone know hes here?", Taylor nodded and gave Gaga her phone, which she unlocked, -"Alright, whats your good angle, Felix?" -she teased her son, cuddling closer to him and smiling into the camera. After uploading the adorable photo, thousands of thousands of likes came in flooding like a waterfall, along with beautiful messages from everyone. -"Alright, put that away...I just wanted to let everyone know he was here al-", suddenly, the couple heard the doorbell ring, -Pizza? So quickly?", Taylor asked to himself while Gaga followed him inside with their son, Taylor looked through the peephole, -"Uhmmm...its Bobby.", -"...Why is Bobby outside my door?", -"I dont know babe"-Taylor sighed, letting Gagas manager in, -"Well surprise!"-Bobby smiled, shaking Taylors hand and hugging gaga with one arm, -"Uhmmm hi. Whats up?" Gaga asked, sitting down on the couch, -"Well i wanted to see how you and your little mab were doing!", -"We are settling good, thank you....why are you really here though, Bob?" Gaga looked at Bobby piercingly, she knows everything and everyone so well its easy for her to figure out peoples intentions, -" are you?", -"I'm happy, Bobby. I'm resting. It's my first day since getfing out of a goddamn hospital after a traumatic delivery experience and Felix-'s very stressful first minute of life! I'm happy I can be home with my man and my baby!", -"And I'm happy youre happy...It's just that...I am here tooo announce you that we have a meeting next week and-", -"Next week? Bobby, I'm gonna be very busy around here, I have to look after my family!", -"Gaga, I know. I know you do, we just really need to have this meeting. We have to get you going again! You lazying around for nine months was not good!", Gaga finally snapped -"Lazying?! I was pregnant. And I was not being lazy. I ran around every time you asked, YOU gave me preeclampsia, YOU gave me migraines, nausea, I mean...I was a mess. I sacrificed myself for YOU. When i shouldnt have done it. I'm sorry bobby, I cant go to that meeting....", -"Gaga its your job to-", -"My first job now is being a mom whether you like it or not...think about it Bobby, how would you feel if you had your son taken away because of a demanding job? I have real obligations now, and I have to take care of MY son! Who is my whole world as of now. And that wont can tell jimmy that".

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