Chapter 1

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In a land of emptiness were nothing existed, a young goddess lived. This goddesses name was Yvonne. Yvonne was destined to be the most important thing to have ever lived. She grew up alone, had no one to show her what she was meant to do, but then again there was no one else around.

Yvonne learned that she had special powers. She was capable of anything which she was soon to find out. She thought that it would be nice to have something to do. She dreamt up this cool looking arch type thing. It could shoot out sticks with little pointy triangles on top.

Yvonne created this contraption of sorts by using a thick wood as she called it and bending it in an arch shape then leaving one strait. On the bent one she put a string connecting one end to the other. On the strait one she put a pointy triangle on top and little half triangles on the end to help it fly. When she put them together they did amazing things. She would put the end of the strait stick to the string and lay the top next to the arched stick, pull back and let go and it would sore long and far. "You know, I have the perfect name for this thing, it should be called a bow and arrow." "The curved on will be the bow and the long one will be the arrow."

She love her bow and arrow, did everything with it. She even made targets to shot the arrows at. After making that Yvonne decided to see what other things she could make. She made so much stuff she figured out that she needed a place to keep the things she made and the the material to make the stuff. To hold this stuff she made, the "Galaxy".

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