Thank you ~ cameron dallas

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"Merry Christmas!" You shouted, opening the front door and throwing confetti in your best friend Cameron's face. He was startled, his dark brown  hair now sprinkled with red and gold glitter.
"What the fuck Y/N, Christmas isn't for another two days." He laughed, brushing the glitter from his quiff. You giggled, stepping aside to allow him into your cozy apartment. He strode into the living room, stepping in front of the Christmas tree.
"Anymore presents from your secret admirer?" He asked casually, absentmindedly playing with a bauble.
"Uh huh." You said, pointing out yet another package you had stuff under the tree. For the past nine days, a present had shown up at your doorstep with a typed note attached to it. Each present was something that reminded the secret admirer of you in some way, the attached note explaining why.
"To be honest, I'm getting a little freaked out." You admitted. Cameron turned around to look at you with raised eyebrows.
"Because they know me so well!" You said, pacing around the living room. Cameron stood rooted to the spot, eyes watching you walk back and forth. "The Millennium Falcon necklace? The stuffed white bengal tiger? A copy of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe? How do they know this? Like seriously the only person that would know this is-" You caught off mid-stride, staring at Cameron with wide eyes. Cameron wouldn't meet your eyes, a blush settling over his cheeks and neck.
"You." You whispered. Cameron scratched the back of his head, still not looking over at you. You stepped in front of him, gently grasping his chin and forcing him to look you in the eyes.
"Did you do this?" You breathed, your heart clenching. He cleared his throat, looking down at you through his eyelashes.
"Yeah." He whispered. "Open the last box." He had the box in his hand and slipped it into yours. You pulled at the ribbon and ripped off the paper. You opened the small box, gasping at what you saw inside. An exact replica of the charm bracelet you had when you were a child, with one small exception. You examined the added charm, a small drumset with the initials A.I. inscribed.
"I hope you don't mind the charm I added." He mumbled. "I just wanted something for you to remember me by."
"It's perfect." You said, tears in your eyes. You leaned up on your tip toes, pressing your lips to his cheek. "Thank you."

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