why? because, it's the host club of course

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Cassies POV:

"no mom I am NOT moving, I love it here and all my friends are her you promised I wouldn't have to move again!" I can still remember that conversation one month ago. I had  tried my hardest to convince her to let me move in with Samantha but when all else fails, you just give in the run later right? so here I was, back up in the outskirts of Marquette, and back in the place where I had screwed up my life once before. wow love you too mom. but this time the block we moved in was out of the main part of K.I so it was freaking deserted. so the 15 year old was ALONE, wow, talk about stupid yeah leave the teenager home alone almost 24/7 who's worst fear is... you guessed it BEING ALONE! ok yeah my mom gets on my nerves.

"bye Cassie I am going to work! love you! I'll call you later." whatever. I just rolled over and went back to bed, I was NOT going to sit wake and never did until about 11 because by then Sam was up and had her phone on so I could just sit and talk with her until my mom got home or text whichever was convenient but we always called first.

*eleven o'clock*

I woke up and glanced at my clock, 11:25, Sam was DEFFENATLY up by now. so I got up and looked around. well at least I got to paint my room this time. my room had blue walls that were covered in anime decorations. Black butler, Ouran High School Host Club, and Hetalia. yeah I was kind of a geek.... me and Sam both. my bed was a black butler bed spread, and my pillows were Ouran. my mom hated it but that was her collateral for me to move with her instead of stay with my dad or best friend. I reached for my phone,

One missed call: sam<3 wow she actuall" beat me, i was surprised

One new text: sam<3: hey girly get up wow did you forget what today is? it one more week till i come visit, phone celebration! so and call meh >:D

typical sam.. haha but hey gotta love your best friend and indeed I was excited summer starts a week later there so in a week she was gonna come stay the summer with me! YAY! I called her

"Well it is about time you called me back since when did you sleep longer than me? I mean REALLY! haha" I smiled she had already had her coffee which would make her hyper for about the next three hours especially  if Levi had made it.

"sorry, I was up all night partying, not I was so bored I went back to bed and I guess slept in..." all of a sudden I head cars pulling in out front, that was odd seeing as how we were the ONLY people who lived on this block.... ok then I slowly got up and pulled on some shorts and I talked to Sam about how much fun we were gonna have while she was up here. finally after I look half way decent I picked up my phone and looked out my window. I saw about seven different moving trucks on my block. my block was what is called a culdesac. it goes in a cirlcle and exits in the same place it begins no need to turn around in someone's driveway.

"yo cas, you still there, what is going on are you watching someone get killed or something?" then I saw this long stretch limo pull up, this had to bed a dream I pinched my self and when I didn't wake up I said to Sam

"hey I am gonna have to call you back kay? give my 20 and I will call you." before I gave her a chance to argue I hung up. right on cue my phone buzzed saying I had a text

Sam<3: wow hang up on me wont ya whats going are you ok?

me: ya im fne but someone is moving in and I want to go say hi, cant do that on the phone can I?

all of a sudden I hear a very familiar voice. one I had heard almost every day since 7th grade. the one I had seemed to fall in love with even though I thought that I would NEVER meet him.

"boss, why do we have to come here in the middle of nowhere." then the voice that ALWAYS followed

"Yeah boss, I mean we couldn't stay in California where we could actually PRACTICE, you know where there are girls?" looking out my window I saw the two red haired beauty's that were always seen in a pair. now I was dreaming, I knew one way to find out, I went in to the bathroom and splashed ice cold water on my face and the returned to the window.  when I could still see the hitachiin brothers I KNEW I wasn't dreaming so I wiped off the blood and RAN outside to greet what looked like my new neighbors

as I got outside I saw all of them standing around their Limo fighting over who got what house. I approached the deciding that why be scared when they were going to be around you all the time now.

"umm hi, my name is Cassie are you guys moving in to the block here? And why aren't you in japan?" they turned around abruptly and looked at me, it was rather funny to see that they were surprised to see me. my phone buzzed again so I quickly took it out to read the new text from sam

Sam<3: ohhh boys girls cute not details girl i woulds wait to answer that question till late

me: later talking to them lets just say you are gonna FREAK!" 

then I look up and the host club had gotten into one of their famous poses. I couldn't help but smile for it was the one from episode nine when Lobelia had come and decide to try and take Haruhi.

" why my princess I was unaware that someone as beautiful as you would be living near me, surely the gods have been kind to me." I couldn't help but laugh he was such an idiot even in real life, (although I was still trying to decide weather or not this was just a dream.)

" Tamiki stop, that is not going to work, I'm sorry, your tricks wont work on me." I pulled out my phone to show them my Ouran phone case and they immediately  stop the act, although tamiki did retreat to his corner of woe for a minuet. the twins stepped forward and put their arms on my shoulder then said in unison,

"so whats  it like here? this is the first time we will have ever lived in a commoners place, do you have coffee here?" my phone buzzed again but somehow the volume had gotten turned up I must have done it on accident and it was really imbarrasing because it was a line from the twins so all you hear is " hikarou I'm fine, really, you don't need to worry." I was gonna change that now.

"so you a twin fan huh? lucky for you, we are going to be your neighbores, he Kyoya we pick the one next to Cassie!" I laughed, I got to live next to my dream friends now!

I looked at the text

sam<3: no you are going to tell meh now!

I disregarded the text until I could get inside and call her. I smiled and kindly asked the twins to come in and enjoy some food. while the others got settled. I was soo happy that I got to meet them, now I wouldn't be alone anymore! I could already tell that being back here was going to be better that I thought!


A/N hey guys thanks for reading this! ugh im tired ok. lol. well this is my first fan fiction on here so I hope you like it, the funny part is this is actually a dream I had the other night so ya interesting ending that for sure haha well I will update as SOON as I can well until next have fun? idk

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