chapter two: this isn't so bad...

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Hikaru's POV

maybe staying in america wouldnt be that bad... i mean this cassie girl seemed cool, but Haruhi wasn't here because she didnt have a pass port. Kyoya was fixing that and having her flown here later this month. but for now i would have to act hostly to Cassie.

"so cassie, how long have you lived here?" i looked up at my brothrs voice, just realizeing how pretty cassie really was. Her medium brown hair with blue tips, an her chocolate brown eyes. the way she accted was starting to remind me of Huni. As a matter of fact i found myself looking for an older brother to act as her Mori-Sempi.

"Well, i used to live here a few years ago, but i lived in a diffrent part of town. I moved to iron moutain, but my mom had to move back for her job so i went with her. My dad stayed in Iron Moutain with my sibblings." She pulled out her phone to show is a picture, I had a problem believing she was related tp them. they had bright red curly hair unlike wavey hair. "i wish I would have stayed, my best friend lives there and my mom is never home so i am always alone.." I couldnt help but see a tear escape her eye. Why wouldnt she like being alone? But then again i have never been alone, I've always had Kaoru. I looked over at my twin that mirrored me in every way. I had never needed to be alone... i had someone next to me all the time.....

"wow, I would think you would like being alone.... but then again, I've never been alone, so i wouldnt kow how it feels...." I shot Kaoru a look telling him to shut up, I remembered how senitive commoners could be. Right to my suspisions, Cassie burst into tears

"it wouldnt bug me if it wasnt mt worst fear..... Im terrifyed of being alone. I always think someone is going to kill me..... and my body will never be found." I couldnt help but be shocked. She seemed so.... strong, yet bring up the word alone and she shakes like Haruhi in a thunderstorm... i felt bad... 

"well now that we are here you dont have to be alone any more ok?" I smiled at her as i would the lasied back at ouran, then tilted her chin up to face me, i wiped her tears away, " after all, you have just been put in the hands of the host club, havent you?" 


A/N: hey guys! sorry that this chapter is sooo short, once again i do not own ouran or any of its character, those rights go to its amezing creator, if you guys have any ideas let me know i will put them in some where! oh and please spread the word of the Fan Fiction. A little note, like i said this was a dream i had and am moderateing, but the fear of being alone is acctually my worst fear, i really do shake like Haruhi in a thunderstorm when i am compleatly alone because i think i am gonna get killed and never be found! well keep reading, comment, vote, and join us next time to meet jamie, lilac, and sara! oh and one more thing! Samantha is based off my BEST FRIEND! give her a round of aplause! *tons of clapping!* for she is that person who comes to my rescue when i am alone and! without her i would have never found anime! sooooooo round of applause and for you hetalia fans reading this check out her book "living with canada" by bookworm13! thats all!

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