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Kaylee's Pov

"It's not fair you know."

"What's not fair?"


"Tell me something I don't know."

"You like Laura?" Once the words slip out of my mouth Jake stops kicking at the wall and looks at me. I look back waiting for his response.

"Stop saying stupid things." I roll my eyes,

"Stupid? Uh no. You like her, I see it."

"I don't like anyone." I grab a pillow nearby and throw it at him. Who knew that a 16 year old could be so stupid. Laura clearly likes Jake I know that, I have a strong feeling Jake likes Laura but I'm not 100% sure.

"I'm your best friend."

"You are my best friend."

"And I know when you like someone."

"Well no I don't like Laura. She's cool and fun to hang with but I don't like her."

"What about Rosa?" Saying her name makes me want to throw up. I can actually say I hate her.

Jake looks at me, I can see he's trying to figure out weather he should talk about her with me or not.

"Rosa is pretty."

"Pretty ugly."

"Kay." He starts and before he goes on I butt in.

"Don't Kay me. Sure she has the looks but even you can't deny her personality is complete shit. I hate her with passion. You should too!"

"If I hated everyone you hated then I wouldn't have any friends." I laugh, its partially true.

"That's because your friends suck. Jake seriously though, Rosa is gonna hurt you. She's that type. Laura is sweet, hilarious, fun, very cool, awesome and she's drop dead gorgeous. She's the girl you need, not Rosa."

"How about I stick to being single ready to mingle Jake and you finish getting ready for your date."

"Did I forget to tell you?" His eyebrows furrow, as he looks at me trying to figure out what I mean,

"I did huh? Silly me. My date tonight, it's a double date. Me and drew and you and Laura." I say as quickly as possible and rush into the bathroom of my room and lock it.

"Kaylee Avery Smilth you did not just set me up on a double date you sneaky bitch!" I giggle and yell,

"So I guess you better get ready!" I blast my music not to hear him complain and start finishing up my makeup seeing as I have 30 minutes to finish getting ready.


"Are you done yet? Drew is going to be here in less then 5 minutes. It's a double date, it's not like you can do much so just get out of the bathroom and let me fix my hair before they get here."

"You whine too much." I say before looking one more time at the mirror satisfied and unlocking the door.

"Wowza." Jake says with wide eyes, I roll my eyes. He's sweet when he wants to be.

"No wonder it took you so long, you don't even look like Kaylee."

"Shut up! Are you saying I look ugly every other day?" He nods his head and I slap his shoulder.

"Fuck off, I will kick you where the sun don't shine." He laughs and I roll my eyes. Rolling my eyes is my talent and that's only because people love to irritate me and I can't always be rude so rolling my eyes is the next best step.

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