10. What He Said

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Author's Note: This book will have more chapters than the predecessors. I hope you'll like it. Thank you!


"Louis, you are stupid. She can't cheat on you. Eleanor is the kind of girl for keeps."

Staring at me pointedly, Louis shook his head at me. "It is too late to do anything. Too late. Is that... carrot cake?"

"Yeah. Want some?"

"I'll pass."

Perrie raised an eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes before nodding at her unsaid question. She picked up the tray of cake and took it to the kitchen. I sat up, gingerly folding my feet under my hips and stared at the blue-eyed man. He never passed up carrot cake. This was a first.

"Are you okay?" Perrie asked Louis when she got back. "Are you sure she cheated on you?"

"Yeah," he replied, looking torn. "She did. I saw her with another guy from her class."

"What were they doing?" I asked, feeling very curious about this. He looked a mess, sad tears rolling down his face. He didn't want to talk at all. He had to though, because If he didn't, we'd become impatient.

"What were they doing?" Jade asked, fed up of waiting for a reply from a sad man. He looked so sad that my heart broke. I knew how that felt, and without thinking, I grabbed his hand and ran up the stairs with him.

"Tell me," I told him after settling him on my chair. I sat right in front of him and looked him in the eye. "If you can't, then it's okay too."

I don't know how it happened. All I know is Louis started crying and I moved closer to take him in my arms. He sobbed as he told me how he found out she was cheating on him. He opened up and told me everything. How he called her up and she was not really up to seeing him.

Lou being well, himself and an eager boyfriend then made his way to the self service store and picked up some stuff for her before he left to go see her. Before he left though, he met a friend of hers who gave him the saddest look ever while saying hello.

When he got home, he understood why he got the sympathy. He saw her from her window at first, looking absolutely beautiful. He had started to get out of the cab but saw a guy walk up behind her. His arms went round her tiny waist and she leaned back into him. He pressed kisses onto her skin and she let him before they left the balcony in a passionate liplock.

He knew it then-it was over-she was cheating. It broke his heart and he tried not to cry on his way to our place. The cab driver got a huge tip and Louis dragged his aching heart right over our threshold and into my bedroom.

"I never saw it happening. I didn't know it'd be that way."

I felt for him. It wasn't that long either that I had discovered that the guy I had deemed the love of my life was a cheat. I was friends with Eleanor, and though I didn't want to admit it, it hurt to know that there was nothing I could do to dissuade myself from believing that she was in the wrong.

"I am so sorry Louis," I said quietly as I ruffled his hair. "You must be devastated right now."

He pulled away from me, wiping his eyes. His red eyes stared back at my clear ones. "I am, but then again... I feel almost relieved."

My eyes narrowed at that. Why would he feel relieved? This didn't make any sense. He was probably still very confused right now.

"Why are you relieved?"

He looked down. "We should get to the girls downstairs. Thank you Sabrina. You are so good to me. Thank you."

"You are welcome," I said as we got up to go. "One thing... I'll have to tell the girls what happened... if they aren't already eavesdropping outside the door already."

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