23. Favours

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"Por favor."

I took the single stemmed red rose on the tray and smiled at the very British waiter in my room.

"Ola! Tu parle espanõl?" I asked in my very weird French-Spanish concoction of a language.

"No, but whoever gave me this rose does."

I raised an eyebrow at that bit of information. Who did I know who spoke Spanish and would give me a rose?

No one.

I actually came up blank.

Which was very detestable. J'ai proteste! Or at least I think I was thinking right in my elementary French.

"Gra-thank you," I remembered at the last minute that the messenger didn't speak Spanish. "Do you speak French? German? Italian?"

"Nope. Just English. Now, ma'am, I'll be on my way. Have a good day."

"You too. Oh, and here's your autograph."

"Can I take a selfie with you too?"

I nodded and he whipped out his phone. We got close and he snapped two photos before leaving. I sighed at his exit and sat down to read the green note wrapped around the stem of the flower.

In NYC. See you tonight. Mucho beso!

I sighed and put the flower in a glass with water. Even if I didn't want to, the rose was Innocent here and didn't deserve to suffer.

Thus prepared, I sat down to have breakfast. Hailey still hadn't joined me, but Leticia was asleep in my room. We shared the Queen sized bed because I didn't want her out of my sight. Looking at her, I let go of the pain and resentment I had for our shared father and I hugged her. She was a nice kid. Who was about to join me for breakfast.

A minute later, I was jumping on the bed like a kid who had sugar rush. "Time to get up!" I called, remembering Louis' favourite wakeup lines. "Get up girl! Get up!"

Leticia was very unamused when she woke up. She gave me the stink eye but I didn't care. I baited her with chocolate and she started to be nice. When she saw the breakfast trolley, she grinned and attacked the Belgian waffles. I was left giggling at her antics.

We had something else in commom now: crazy breakfast girls.

After showering, and dressing up, Leticia and I played some card games until Hailey came for us with security. We had to go out through the back after a fan recognized us and started yelling at us both. Leticia was horrified and held on to me a little too tight. Not that I minded. My sister was my responsibility and I would protect her at all costs.

Times Square had been cordoned off as Leticia and I got there. Russ greeted us as soon as he spotted us. The camera was already rolling and Leticia blushed when Russ paid her compliments. Which was highly unusual. He never paid anyone compliments. Not even me. His usually serious face was heightened in colour. I could already tell that he found my sister attractive, and she too found him the same. Too bad for them both, I couldn't leave them alone together. Mrs. Le Clarke said to watch my baby half sister like a hawk and that's what I was going to do.



I turned to run smack Into a very furious looking Hailey. She was fuming and taking one look at her made me realize I was in so much trouble. Fearing for my life, I took off pretty quickly and she let out a loud yell that I could only assume was a war cry. I pushed my feet to go faster as she started to run after me.

Before I continue, I should warn you that I had taken up running in high school for the fun of it. I was pretty fast... but Hailey was faster. She was a track athlete and she still ran races when she wasn't too busy trying to catch me.

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