Thriller Bark - 1

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You were woken by sudden noise in the bus. Groaning, you opened your eyes and tried to look around as your eyes go used to the light coming from outside. Penguin noticed you had woken up and gave you a greeting smile.

"(Y/N)-chan! Sorry for waking you up." he apologized on behalf of everyone. "It's fine really. But would you mind telling me what the fuss is all about?" you asked, seeing a few members of the crew looking rather concerned. Penguin explained the bus was approaching Thriller Bark and Nami was very nervous about that.

As you looked at the orange haired woman, you indeed noticed her nervousness and saw a hint of fear in her eyes. Luffy, on het other hand, looked fairly excited and pumped. You walked over to Nami, as good and as bad as that went on a bus, hoping to be able to somewhat calm her down, after all she was responsible for getting you all there, or at least find out what was so bad about Thriller Bark.

"Nami?" you said, making her shift her attention towards you. "How come you're so afraid of that place where going to? Thriller Bark, I believe it was called. What is that place?" She sighed and pointed at the sky ahead of you. "You see that?" she asked. You nodded. The big, dark clouds were fairly hard t miss in the otherwise clear sky.

"That is Thriller Bark, the city where the sun never shines. People who live there haven't seen their own shadows for a while. I even heart that when they walk into the sun, their skin literally feels like it's on fire because they haven't felt the warmth of the sun in such a long time." You fell less and less comfortable with going there the more Nami told you about it.

Luffy laughed excitedly. "Sounds fun, doesn't it? It's going to be awesome, right Tra-guy?" he said. Law rolled his eyes at Luffy, obviously disagreeing with his opinion. He then turned so he faced everyone on the bus. "You all better watch yourselves. You should wear something with long sleeves and long pants because there's a minimalistic amount of the virus left lingering there. It isn't enough to be deadly, but it could cause some irritation on the skin and allow you to get sick easier."

You looked at the dark cloud again. "Do we REALLY have to go there?" you questioned. To your dismay, Law said it was necessary as there was a need to stock up on supplies such as gasoline and provision. After all, you wanted to make it to the next place. And not just make it there of course, make it there without starving.

Deciding to follow Law's advice, you put on a hoodie so most of your skin was covered and made sure there weren't any holes in your jeans. The bus kept drawing closer towards the mysterious city in the shadows, and it made most of the crew more and more nervous. However, Robin, Luffy, Sanji, Franky, Zoro and Law seemed fairly calm in the situation.

You were starting to miss your hideout at Amazon Lily. That spacious, dark building that you called and had made your home ever since all the bullshit with the virus had started. The biggest positive point about your hideout was that it was safe. Nobody ever came there so there weren't any threats and the virus didn't reach you either. It was just a nice and safe place where you could work with your electronics without any disturbance.

You'd never thought you'd ever have to leave that place for any other reason than provision. Or going back to your real home. But that area was now occupied by the virus strongly, so the chance of you going back there was small.

"We're almost there, let's park the bus a little outside the city." Franky said before doing so. He parked the bus a under a tree in the area with the last bits of sunlight. It seemed everyone had decided to follow Law's advice as you noticed their change of clothing.

Normally, you wouldn't have to come along as it was just to stock up, nothing really with computers or something, but you had the feeling you'd be safer with the group than alone in the bus with Usopp, Chopper and Nami.

The group walked over to the Thriller Bark gate, which kind of reminded you of a large mouth. It was as if you'd be swallowed by a large monster once you walked through, without a way to escape. Once inside, the first thing you noticed was the enormous graveyard in front of you.

"Okay, it'll be better if we all split up and go to a different part of the city to find what we need. This way we don't have to be here longer than strictly necessary." Robin said, which you found very wise words. Franky, Penguin and Sachi went to the were going West. Zoro, Bepo and Jean-Bart went North. Brook and Sanji took South. Lastly, Robin, Luffy, Law and you headed East. Nami, Chopper and Usopp were still in the bus.

Everyone left into their direction to do what had to be done. There were two different paths leading to the east-side of Thriller Bark, according to Robin, who had apparently read a lot about Thriller Bark. The first one went through the graveyards and the second one around it.

Neither Law nor Robin really cared which way you'd be taking. You, however, preferred to avoid the graveyard while Luffy wanted to go through it at any cost. You were about to protest against Luffy's excited ideas of adventuring through the graveyard when he grabbed your wrist and dragged you into the place of death. And there was no way you could ever convince him to go back now. Law and Robin just shrugged and followed along. You had the feeling that Luffy could one day be the death of you.

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