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I grabbed a thin black leather jacket that cut off at the bottom just under my ribs and walked out the door. I took the stairs quickly, not wasting any time, and hurries over to my car. I opened the door and slide smoothly into the drivers seat. I sighed and listened to the engine rumble as it started and smoothly glided out of the parking lot.

Racheal was pacing back and forth outside of a sleek looking black building when I arrived. I pulled into the cramped parking lot and slipped into a narrow parking space. I stepped out of my car and slipped my ID and money into my dress. I left the keys in the council and lock the car. I kept a spare hidden under my license plate. I sighed and headed over to find Racheal.

I spotted her standing just outside of the door and looking worried. Her flowing sky blue dress fell in folds to her mid-thigh and ended in a sharp cut of lace. Her small flats were accented by small jewels shattered over the toe. Her pale, flawless skin was caked in glitter and at her neck was a simple diamond cross on a thin silver chain. Her dirty blonde hair was styled in small waves and fell just past her chin in a pixie cut. Her sharp chin went well with the dark gray eyeshadow that she painted on her eyelids and the thick fake eyelashes she wore. Her lips had light pink balm over them and her full bottom lip was tugged between her teeth as she worried her lip.

I shook my head, and felt a couple curls come loose and flutter down around my face. I headed over to her and tapped on her shoulder. She spun around and swings at me, but I caught her hand. Her green eyes are open wide and startled as she took in my appearance. She relaxed and I dropped her hand.

"Where have you been? We're almost late!" Racheal grabbed my wrist and drug me toward the door. We slipped through just as two tall, burly bouncers grabbed the doors and slammed them behind us, leaving us in the dark. Racheal pulled me through the dark as I stumbled behind her.

"What is this place?" I asked. I've never been here before. I didn't know what this place was or about.

"I don't know." Racheal told me. "I've never been here before. I thought we should try something new." I felt her arm move slightly and I knew she's shrugging.

I stumbled slightly as we started down some stairs and hiss. "You don't know what this place is?!" I heard my voice rise several octaves as my heart rate increased. "You could be leading us into some kind of kinky sex club!"

"Shhhh!! Calm down." She paused slightly and I think it's because we've reached a door. "There isn't a very good chance that's where we are, so I don't see any reason to worry."

I heard a creaking noise as a sliver of pulsing red light appears through a crack in front of Racheal. She pushed the door the rest of the way open and dropped my wrist. I saw her mouth open in shock as she stood gaping at something through the door. The light reflected crudely off her face, making it look shrouded in blood.

I quickly turned my attention to the room in front of us and I'm completely speechless. There were spotlights that were shining bright and the slowly revolving disco balls spaced evenly throughout the massive room. The walls were brick, which was to be expected since we were likely underground and there were couches along the sides of the room, they were practically empty as thousands of bodies swayed and jumped to the beat echoing throughout the room. The vibrant colorful lights pulsed to the music in a rhythmic, hypnotizing way that drew you in and made you want to join the crowd. Pushed in the back of the room was a lengthy bar with a few tables shoved to the side near it.

Racheal made a small gasping noise, snapping my attention back to my briefly forgotten friend. I reached out and grabbed her to hand, pulling her into the room, as the bouncers once again slam the doors behind us. I turned to Racheal to see her eyes glittering as she took in the overwhelming scene before us. I put my hands on her shoulders and shake her briefly to get her to turn her attention back to me instead of the crowded room.

"Rae, hey." I haven't called her Rae since high school but it seemed to get to turn her attention back to me a bit as she turns her wide green eyes to stare at me. "This is okay right? We're gonna have fun?" I slid my hands down her arms to held her forearms and she nodded slightly. I'm thinking she needed more time to take everything in so I grabbed her wrist and lead her to one of the couches. We both sat on the soft leather and I turned to look at the room again.

"This is amazing." Rae said, barely loud enough for me to hear her. I smiled slightly.

"Yes it is, it's incredible." I grabbed her hand and smiled broadly at her. "Lets go get a drink." I stood and heard her stand behind me and we started towards the back of the room, along the less crowded edge. People still bumped into us but they hardly noticed, let alone apologized. It took us about ten minutes but we finally made it to the back of the room and we both plopped down onto the smooth leather of the barstools.

I waved my hand to get the bartenders attention and he took a few steps toward us. He was a tall, average looking man with a black vest and jeans on. "We'll take two waters for now." He nodded slightly and reached under the bar and grabbed two glasses full of ice cold water. I slid one over to Rae and studied it carefully. It looked safe but who knows how long it was siting under there. She gulped hers down appreciatively and I took a small sip. Euphoria flashed bright in my mind, and the man smiled slightly before turning to the other customers. 

My head spun and the world around me started bleeding together and down as if all the world was made of paint. The world is stripped away to reveal colors that are much more vibrant and people that are much different. I looked closer and I saw someone's skin turn a pale purple color. I blinked and it was gone. I shook my head and brushed it off and took another small sip of my water. 

 A splitting pain shot through my head and I leaned down and rested it on the bar. I blinked a few times and my dress looked different. A more vibrant shade of red than I thought I wore. I lifted my head and looked up at the bartender and almost screamed. 

His eyes were now black and he had curled scaly horns protruding from his forehead. His skin was still normal but I glanced at his hands, the end of his fingers were long sharp claws. I made a small noise and he turned back toward me and snickered. I glanced at Rae who was staring at me, worry flooding her face.

''R-Rae what's happening" I stammered out, trembling slightly. But even as I stared at my best friend. Her hair grew longer and tumbled down past her waist in neat curls and her eyes shifted to a vibrant amber.

She watched me in concern before speaking. "You can see us now, can't you?"

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