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"Pee, Socks, Shoes!" Mom called, as all of us got ready. Today was Aubrey and Ian's 17th birthday. We were all getting ready to go out to Red Robin, a burger joint, for dinner.

By all of us, I mean all seven of us. Mom, Aaron, Ian, Aubrey, Jason, Charlie, and lastly me. We were the Parkers.

My name's Brooklyn Parker. But everyone calls me Brooke. I was 14 years old, and had long brown hair and dark brown eyes. I also had a sprinkling of freckles. Boring, yes, but that was me.

Once I pulled on my mismatching socks, I headed downstairs. I slipped on a pair of black Chuck Taylor's and walked into the kitchen.

Jason was sitting on top of the kitchen table, playing on his black iPhone. It wasn't fair at all! He had an iPhone, and I was stuck with a phone that had NO Internet. The struggles. Sigh.

I grabbed a yoyo from the counter, and played with it. Up, down, up down.

"Brooke! Is that my shirt?" The birthday girl, Aubrey, asked walking into the room.

Aubrey had waist length blonde hair, and green eyes. With her size 0 figure, and thick eyebrows she pretty much looked like a model.

"Yeah... Sorry!" I said, looking away. It was beyond scary when Aubrey got mad.

"Oh... Well you look cuter in it then I did," She shrugged, grabbing a Cheese-It from a bowl on the counter.

I smiled and her, and saw my phone buzz. I glanced at it, only to see that it was from Kenna, my best friend. I slipped my phone into my tight Abercrombie shorts. Kenna could wait.

"Where's my RCVA shirt?" Ian called, walking into the kitchen shirtless. Not to be creepy, but Ian wasn't bad looking. He had a full six pack, golden hair, and light brown eyes.

"I dunno," We all said, shrugging...

I should probably introduce everyone...

Aaron was 18, tall blonde and had huge green eyes. He was the writer in the family. He was a poet, and currently writing a book.

Next were Ian and Aubrey. They were fraternal twins. Ian was the tallest in the family and a basketball pro. Aubrey was the fashion goddess, she chose the entire family's entire wardrobe. She wanted to be an actress along with being a fashion designer.

Jason was 16, and like a mini Aaron. The same bright blonde hair, except Jason had a quiff in his. Jason was the smart one. He acted like a conceited jerk, and he was one. But he was a math and science genius.

And then there was me. I was 14, and what sucked the most is I was the only Parker to have brown eyes, except for Ian. Everyone else, except for Ian, had gorgeous green eyes, but I was stuck with brown. I played soccer... A lot of soccer. I was on the top club team.

Lastly was Charlie. He was ten, and adorable. He had light brown hair, and small green eyes. At the moment he was really funny, but he was a wild card about what type of person that he would become.

Oh yeah... Dad passed away from skin cancer a long time ago...

"Let's just go! Dinner here we come!" Mom called, and all of us piled into our eight seat mini van.


As we walked into Red Robin, Mom went up to a worker and got us seats. There in Northern California, the restaurants were always empty. And no, we didn't live near LA.

We all sat down at a table, and chattered about random things.

"My name is Shelly, may I get drinks for y'all?" a waitress asked, approaching us.

"Waters all around," Mom said, nodding. Getting waters when we went out was just something that we had always done. Never sodas or anything.

The waitress smiled and scribbled on a piece of paper. She slipped it to Aaron winking. She then walked away.

"She gave me her number!" Aaron laughed, shoving his blonde hair out of his eyes.

"Two words! Des-Prite!" Aubrey grinned, high fiving her twin, Ian.

We all giggled and laughed about the waitress, until a peculiar woman walked up to us.

She had raven-black hair, and grey eyes. Along with five inch heels, she wore a lime green pantsuit.

"My name is Margaret Johnson, and I want to speak business!"

"What are you talking about?" Ian said rudely, raising his eyebrows.

"You haven't heard of me?" Margaret said, gasping.

"No, we haven't!" Charlie yipped, grabbing my hand. Awe.

"I am a TV producer. And I think that YOUR family would make a perfect reality television show!" Margaret smiled sweetly at us.

"Mom! Please say yes!" Aubrey begged, immediately.

"I don't know, this could be a scam," Mom said, crossing her arms.

I finally had something to say, "Mom, just look and see if she's on google."

Jason grinned, and gave me a high five. "You're a genius, Brooke!"

I smiled, I didn't often have these moments.

"That's fair!" Margaret grinned, waiting as Mom pulled out her Galaxy S 4.

Aaron who had also pulled out his phone gasped, "Dude! She's legit. Look at all of these movies!"

He handed Ian the phone, and I peered over his shoulder. Holy. Crap.

"We could be stars!" I shined, begging Mom with my eyes.

"Mom, this is how we'll get into college!" Ian said, smiling.

"Fine! You can do the show," Mom sighed. She really was a pushover.

"Awesome! What's your last name?" Margaret asked, typing something into her iPhone.

"Parker," all of us said at the same time.

Margaret grinned and said, "Perfect! A show called The Parkers sounds fabulous! Here's my card, we'll stay in touch." And with that she walked away.

"Oh my god!" Charlie squealed.

We were going to be stars.



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•the next chapter will be dedicated to a random commenter•

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