Almost There

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“This is so exciting!” Aubrey squealed, her green eyes glittering and her blonde hair bouncing. We had just gotten out of a meeting about our new TV show.

"I know right!" Charlie squealed, clutching her hand. Out of all of us, Aubrey and Charlie were by far the most excited about the idea of having every minute of our life recorded and shown to the world.

All of us were walking over to our car. Because there were seven of us, we all fit into a mini van--with one seat to spare.

"Wait up!" Our manager, Margaret Johnson, yelped, running up to us. Today she sported a neon green pantsuit. Her dark hair was flopping into her grey eyes.

"Yes?" Mom asked, stopping. Mom had huge green eyes, and her messy blonde hair was in a bun.

"We forgot to discuss when we could start filming! This is my first reality show after all," Margaret said, frowning. I was surprised that she had forgotten something as big as that. She was usually so organized.

"Who cares? We could start today for all it matters," Jason scoffed, running his hand through his hair. Jason was smart, but sometimes he could be the biggest idiot out there.

"Today?" Margaret said, raising her eyebrows. "That's genius! Since right now it's June, the beginning of summer, we could film to get the show on air in August!" 

"Jason, I hate you SO much right now!" Ian growled, shaking his head. Ian was perhaps the least excited to be on the show. Maybe it was because he had always hated crowds, or maybe it was that he had a perfect life. Ian had the perfect looks, perfect personality, and he was a basketball stud. Maybe that was enough for him. 

I suppose I was fine with starting to film. I mean why not be famous earlier rather than later. "I'm fine with it!" I put in, looking around at all of the Parkers. Aubrey and Charlie seemed more than pleased. Aaron and Jason both appeared somewhat uncomfortable. 

"Marg, we can start today, no prob!" Aubrey grinned, twirling her hair with her finger.

"Jennifer?" Margaret asked Mom. Jennifer was Mom's first name.

"Well... I suppose. Maybe we could start later today though? Perhaps dinner?" Mom asked, grabbing Charlie's hand.

"Sounds like a deal! Ciao lovies! I’ll send the crew to your house!" Margaret grinned, walking away.

All of us piled into the car. I was in the back seat with Charlie, as always. Unfair.

"Brooke! Wanna play sticks?" Char asked, tapping on my shoulder. He did the puppy face.

"No," I said simply, turning away. I pulled out my phone and started texting my best friend Kenna. Charlie whimpered, and started tapping Jason's neck and shoulder. Jason was unlucky enough to have the seat right in front of Char.

"Oh my fricking god!" Jason yelled, whacking Charlie's arm.

"Oww!" Charlie reacted, three seconds after it happened. He was obviously faking.

"Shut up you guys!" Aaron yelled from the front seat. Because he was eighteen, he thought he was in charge. But he kind of was. Since Dad passed, Aaron has pretty much been our second dad.

"God dammit!" Mom cried rawly, rubbing her head. "Can you guys be quiet for two seconds?" 

The entire car went silent. If Mom swore, she had to be about ten levels beyond pissed.

"Sorry, Mommy," Charlie said innocently, sucking his thumb. Typical. Charlie got out of trouble every time.

"Oh hun, it's not your fault," Mom said, her voice evening out. Stupid Charlie.

"It kind of is!" Ian muttered under his breath.

I spoke. "Guys, should we even do the show? Do we want this shown to the world?" I asked quietly. The car became quieter. We were all thinking about it.

"No, I honestly don't," Ian said, shaking his head.

Aubrey exhaled and said, "You guys, we're going to be famous. AND we'll be better when there is a camera on us."

"Aubs, I know you want this, but is it worth it? Look at Lindsay Lohan. Or Amanda Bynes. Do we really want to end up like them?" Aaron said wisely, causing all of us to silently weigh the options.

"Dude!" Jason grinned, cracking his fingers. "Think about all of the hot babes we'll land if we go on the show! We could lay Megan Fox, or Selena Gomez!" 

Ew. Of course Jason would talk about that.

"I'm in!" Ian smiled, after hearing Jason's comment.

"You guys are losers. But I love y'all!" Aubrey smirked, pulling out her iPhone. Uhg, everyone in the family had the iPhone except for Charlie and I. Not. Fair.

"So it's settled?" Mom asked, giving a half smile. I was impressed. She put up with six kids, that’s pretty impressive.

After about a half hour in the car, we arrived home. The traffic was horrid.

As we pulled up to our house, a bunch of cameramen were walking around, and setting up cameras. Margaret was right in the center of it all, directing everyone.

“What the…” Ian muttered as we piled out of the car. His face was cross, along with Moms.

Mom marched over to Margaret and the rest of us followed suit. “Margaret. We agreed to start filming during dinner!”

Margaret smiled slowly, “Jennifer my dear! We need to set up, don’t worry,we start filming later. We need to set up!” And with that Marg fluffed her raven colored hair, and walked away.

Aaron groaned, “What have we gotten ourselves into?”

“An adventure!” Aubrey beamed, fluttering her eyelashes.

An adventure…that was an understatement.


DEDICATION: @youcancallmemaura

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Heeeeey guys. Comment who your favourite Parker is. {Aaron, Ian, Aubrey, Jason, Brooke, or Charlie… or Mom hahha}

So who likes the story? Should I continue it? (: VOTE. COMMENT. ADD TO READING LIST. AND FOLLOW MEEEEEEEEE. Teehee.

Could someone make me a cover? So this is the cast I was thinking of…


Aaron Parker: Josh Hutcherson

Ian Parker: Zac Efron

Aubrey Parker: Cara Delevingne {or Taylor Momsen}

Jason Parker: Alex Pettyfer {or Chase Crawford}

Brooke Parker: Shailene Woodly

Charlie Parker: CJ Adams


Is someone can make me one, inbox me (: You’ll get a dedication and my eternal loveeeee.


~next chapter dedicated to a random commenter~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2013 ⏰

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