Chapter 12

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Ezra's POV
The bed began shaking.
I threw my eyes open, thinking it was an earthquake, but was relieved to find Avery jumping on the bed.
"Look at high I can jump!" She giggled.
"Be careful baby, don't get hurt."
"I will be daddy." She continued giggling.
"What should we do today? Mommy is still at Hanna's."
"Can we go to the movies?"
"Sure. What should we go an see?" I asked.
"Hotel Transylvania 2!" She yelled.
"Okay." I chuckled getting out of bed.
After making breakfast, I got myself ready and then I got Avery ready.

"Avie, you have to sit still." I laughed as she kept dancing on the bed. "I need to do to your hair."
She eventually stopped and began singing.
I took her hair out the braids and began brushing it.
Her hair came down to her mid back and was wavy.

I got her dressed into her outfit, a white Mickey Mouse top, a pink hoodie that had Joy from Inside Out on the front with 'Joy' written three times in blue, yellow and white sparkles, and a pair of jeans with her ugg boots.

Avery took her bunny and we left the house.
I drove to the movie theatre, the one where I first met Ella.

We went into the screening room once we had our tickets.
It was quiet. Only a couple of other people were there. There isn't a lot of young kids in Rosewood.
In one of the seats was a young boy, he was friends with Avery.
They didn't see us, thankfully, I'm not in the socialising mood.
It was a good movie. It was nice to hear my daughter laugh. It's such a nice sound.
Avery loved it. She loved it so much, she won't stop talking about.

I decided to take her out for lunch after.
"Okay, baby, what do you want?" I asked looking down at her menu.
"What sauce do you want with it?"

The waiter came over and took our orders.
He came back with our drinks and food twenty minutes later.

"So, mommy and I have been thinking about a surprise for you. We have been thinking about it for a while." I said.
"What's the surprise?" She asked with a mouthful of pasta.
"You'll find out later. I've asked mommy to get it today." I smirked.
"Awe, I wanna know." She whined.
"When we get home later today."
I told Avery I would get her a toy of her choice, as part of me being away for most of her birthday.
We arrived at the toy store and I followed my daughter around as she browsed through the shelves of games and stuffed animals.

She finally stopped when she saw a large teddy bear, beige in colour.
It has a brown nose and black eyes, with a thin black smile.

I took the toy off the shelf and handed her to Avery who hugged it tightly.
We went to pay for the toy and left the store.

"Do you have a name for your bear?" I asked as I drove home.
"Gatsby." She replied holding it tightly.
"Why?" I knew the answer. I wanted to hear it from her though.
"Because mommy read me The Great Gatsby. It's my favourite." Avie grinned.
Aria has read that book to Avery over and over again. She did think about naming her Daisy, but we lover Avery even more.
When we got home, Aria unlocked the door.
"Mommy." Avery cheered as she hugger Aria.
"Hey babe." I smiled hugging her. "Did you get him?" I asked.
"Yeah I did. He's in the living room." She smiled.  "Avery, we have a surprise for you. He's in the living room. His name is Rocky. Right now, he's in the living room, but you have to be calm around him." Aria said taking ahold of Avery's hands.

We went into the living room.
There he was.
Our new dog. He's a pit bull. But he's a sweet as anything. We've seen him before, had meetings with him. He's such a softy.

"Oh my gosh!" Avery gasped going over to the dog.
"This is our new dog, Rocky." I introduced him to her.
Rocky got up and walked over to Avery. He was the same height as Avery.
He licked her face, making her giggle.
She hugged him and it made Rocky smile in the way dogs do.
"I love you." Avery whispered to Rocky, planting a kiss on his head.
Aria's POV
Hanna was an absolute wreak all day. We did visit Caleb but he was asleep as he had an operation that day.

Later that night, I walked into Avery's room and found her asleep in bed with Rocky.
Rocky had his head on her stomach and she had her hand on his head.
It was the most precious thing ever.

I got into bed beside Ezra and we smuggled under the covers, taking for awhile, before we fell asleep.
I love the day they had.
And they got a dog :) a rescue dog!
Rocky :)
~ Charlotte xoxo

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