Sweet Side

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i was siting in my room watching Tv and texting my best friend back home in Canada....She is coming down in two weeks to come hang out with me and see California, There was a light knock on my door i looked up and saw Justin standing there

Me: hey whats up?

Justin: umm...is it ok if i sleep in here until i get my bed moved in? the couch really isn't the best place to sleep

Me: haha alright you can

He smiled then walked over to my bed jumping into it. i smiled a little then went back to texting and watching tv me and him didn't really talk since we were both were watching the show but once and a while i would feel Justin touch me and i woud get butterflies on the inside it made me feel good in a way

*Next Day*

i woke up with Justin's arms wrapped around me i smiled a little then looked over at the time, i was late for school but at this point i didn't care i sighed a little turning over so that i was facing Justin he looked really cute sleeping it actually made me smile a little i rubbed his cheek soflty then kissed it his eyes started to open and he looked right at me 

Justin: hey beautiful aren't you suppose to be at school right now? 

Me: yeah but i can at least miss one day so its no big deal 

Justin: no i want you to go i don't care if you don't feel like it you need to

Me: but Justin...please? i wanna stay here with you plus i'm really stressed out about the Jase situation 

Justin: alright fine but tomorrow you are going k?

i nodded my head then put my head in Justin's chest he pulled me as close to him as he could then kissed my forehead i love how he looks out for me and we barely even know each other he is the most sweetest bad boy i have ever met and i love it 

"I Got A Bad Boy I Must Admit It" Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now