Meeting Up Once Again

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Justin: Mom what are you doing here? 

Mom: well i was just walking in the streets and i saw you with this beautiful girl and i might as well say hi 

she smiled a little but then quickly went away and she looked down, i kind of felt bad for her and i just wanted to know why Justin and her stopped talking

Justin: well now that we saw each other i better be off i mean we have stuff to do today

Before justin walked away i let go of his hand and went over to his mom and looked at her she finaly looked at me and was kind of shocked that was standing right of front of her

Me: what's your name? 

Mom: my name is Pattie

Me: i'm Vanessa Ann Rose nice to meet you 

i put my hand out and she shook it we both gave each other smiles then we stopped 

Me: i'm gonna give you my number so we can keep in touch 

Pattie: Alright 

she pulled out her phone and i gave her my mom i hugged her one time before walking off with Justin, let me tell you Justin wasn't that happen that i talked to his mom but at this point i don't care he can be mad all he wants but i know deep down inside he wants to talk to his mom again


After going shopping for new clothes Justin checked us into a hotel that we are gonna sat at for a while, i sat down on the bed and sighed i looked over at Justin and he looked like he was in deep thought 

Me: Justin? 

He turned and looked at me 

Me: are you ok?

Justin: yeah i'm just thinking about seeing my mom today i mean it kind of shocked me 

Me: yeah i saw that but if you want maybe we can go to her house and have dinner with her just so you guys can talk stuff out and maybe tell her everything you went thru 

Justin: should i? 

Me: i think you should i mean every kid needs at least one parent in their life i have my mom in my life 

Justin: alright i will text her and asked we will go tonight 

i smiled a little then layed back down on the bed i really hope him and his mom have the same connection they had back before he became a runaway 

"I Got A Bad Boy I Must Admit It" Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now