Ch-4 James (Get a room)

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Kathy p.o.v

I went to the back to give the cook the order for Sean.. That's when Riley showed up again

"Hey Kathy" she said holding a plate of empty drank
"Hey" I said nicely
"You finish with that cutie order" she asked me
"Oh..not really I need to give him his order.." I said grabbing the order for Sean
"So it seems you and that boy go way back" she said looking at him
"Huh!?" I said shock
" yah...I mean y'all was talking like y'all was..I almost thought y'all was dating" she said walking off
"W-what!" I said walking near her
"Yah.. I mean.. That long!...conversation... And me snooping" she said looking away
"Of course you'll snoopy" I giggle
"Whatever.. Lover girl.. Have fun" she winked while walking off

I realize I was at the table were Sean was sitting at... I then smile

"OK.. Here your order..famous chocolate cookie..." I sad giving him his order
"Huh?..oh thanks!" He said still looking into space
"Umm..well enjoy!" I said walking off
" to my next customer" i said a little scared

I then saw someone with a familiar hair cut.. I walled up to him and started to talk..

"Help sir welcome to Sweet may I take your order" I asked him
" can give me...." He the looked at me
"Wow...Kathy!" He said shocking
"James!" I said shocked too
"W-why the heck are you here" I said a little mad
"You..just trying to eat" he said leaning back
"Really...." I said angry
" know the real reason why I'm here
.right baby" he acting all cutesy like
" James.. Just leave right now before you get me in trouble" I said serious
"OK I will..I really came here to apologize for what I did---" I cut him off
"Whatever James.. I don't except your apologize.. Because what you did was wrong and stupid!!' I yelled at him

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