My mate rejected me

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Introduction- my mate rejected me I have nothing to live for I have lost my soul mate my life my heart the one reason I was on this earth the last thing I remember seeing was his stern eyes and hear the way his voice sounded when he said 'I Jason nick Dominic dangelo reject you scarvious rose wiltflower dingolos to be my mate' he had said it with such authority I had whimpered I remember I had bowed my head low whimpering then my anger swelled in me and I remember saying'I SCARVIOUS ROSE WILTFLOWER DINGOLOS REJECT YOUR REJECTION AND HERE BY QUIT THIS PACK UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE I WISH YOU TO SUFFER THE PAIN I AM FEELING RIGHT NOW JASON NICK DOMINIC DANGELO!!!!'

Scarvious's pov-

I was going to be alpha until my brother killed my parents and blamed it on me saying I wanted them to die so I can be the alpha then he cast me out I then joined a pack where my mate was an alpha who was stronger then me and had more authority over me being a male alpha but he didn't like me because I was still an alphas daughter and he wanted full control of his mate so he rejected me and so I left his pack and now I'm a rogue I know I need some violins in the background I was wondering around when I came to another scent of a rogue turns out

It has been 5 weeks since I have rejected my mates rejection and left my pack but it has been torturous my wolf has been feeling when our mate has been mating with almost every single female werewolf in our pack and I'm feeling sick to my stomach I haven't eaten in two weeks the last meal was a deer roasted in a abandoned fire 'reckless campers' I thought 'I know right lucky we put the fire out after we cooked the deer' my wolf Vicinity said in my head I shake my head my wolf was always hungry it was a wonder I wasn't fat because of her then again I have been running for 5 weeks as I said anyway as I walk I don't realise I cross into pack territory "WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON PACK GROUNDS MUTT" I hear a male his authority tells me his a high ranker but not high enough to be alpha probably beta " I'm sorry but I don't like to be called a mutt!" I snarled in my alpha tone "shit I didn't notice you had alpha blood in you but why are you a rogue then??" He ask scared of what I would do to him "first don't swear in front of me I have a little child behind me no she's not mine second my pack cast me out third I would like to talk to your alpha"

"alright come with me then and watch your little one if she wonders off it won't be my fault if some of my pack decides to attack the kid" he said so I bent down to little Benervera (pronounced "stay close don't look anyone in the eye!" I said with care and adoration in my voice to let her know I truly only want her to be safe

When we finally get to the pack house IT WAS HUUUGE!!!!!! I saw a sweet little girl get pushed in the mud and saw the person who lead me to the pack house laugh at the child "why would laugh at the child when she was pushed abusively?" I asked obviously shocked and worried for the child "oh she means nothing to us not even her parents want her her parents cast her out of their family she lives in the street" he said chuckling "if I asked for her to stay with me what would you say?" I asked him "the alpha was going to cast her out anyway she's weak and of no use for use for the pack" he said when he said that I was a little happy I know I shouldn't be but I want her to be with me and my adoptive daughter so I walked to her Helped her up dusted the dirty mud off her gave her a cookie from my pocket and Said "what's your name darling?" "Saudia" she replies

"Well Saudia my names Scarvious but you can call me Carvi" I said smiling at her I watched as her eyes widen as she reached toward my face shyly ready to pull away probably thinking my kindness is a trick and then gonna do something nasty to her I couldn't do that though

I gave her a gentler smile and showed that it was alright for her to check that I'm not a figment of her imagination

She actually smiled it was small and very sly but it was a smile I leaned towards her and stretched one of my arms out to shake her hand but what she did totally surprised me she ran up to me and hugged me at first I tensed at the contact but then loosened up and hugged her back "mamma where are we I'm hungry and thirsty and I need to go potty" Carlia complained I knew she was there but it has been a long time since my adoptive daughter has spoken "dear I'm adopting a little girl to join us can you please be a little patient I'll talk to the alpha once I've finished getting my answer from Saudia"I said and turned back to Saudia "so dear would you like to have me as a adoptive mother??" I asked her "yes! Yes! Yes!" She shouted an hugged me tighter

"Ahem! The alpha is able to speak now" said the beta the lead me through the pack grounds to the pack house "ok" I said and turned to Saudia and Carlia "you two stay here and talk to no one if they try to hurt you growl at them and pretend to prepare for a fight okay?" I said "yes mamma" they say in unison "show no fear" I said as I walk to the alphas office "in you go girl" the beta said without respect I growled low at him and stalked in to the alphas study or office or whatever you want to call it "rogue" the so called alpha said with disgust "*cough*prick*cough*" I said I don't care if I looked immature the jerk wad deserved it

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