So that happened

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Scar's pov-

I look around to see it was Sebastian who punched me 'of course it was' I thought rolling my eyes internally "oh you are so gonna get it now!!" I scream and shift into my wolf and lunge at him ready to rip his throat out 'I'm sorry alpha I can't let you kill my mate" deedee says running and stopping in front of Sebastian.

Deedee's pov-

"I'm sorry alpha, I can't let you kill my mate" I said running in front of her, as she was about to dive at Sebastian, I sprinted and stopped in front of him...

Scars pov-

I pounced blindly not realising I was on deedee instead of Sebastian until I got knocked off her by a black wolf who was slightly taller then me, I looked at who I landed on and realised it was deedee!! 'some one get the pack doctor and get me some clothes!!' I say through pack link soon enough I'm thrown a large top, from the scent I could tell it was Jason's top, "thanks Jason" I muttered. "Not a problem" he said gently.

Half an hour later-

Deedee is in the hospital wing and Sebastian hasn't left her side.

I went to the lounge room and sat with bene and saudia they were watching avatar legend of korra, "how do you kids watch anime in English dub, it's meant to be Japanese with English subs!" I exclaim, "you watch anime mama!?" they question, "yeah one of my favourites is bleach I also like sword art online", "omg we have a cool mum!!" The girls exclaim. "I'm offended was I not cool before you knew I like anime??" I said looking sadly at them.

3 hours later

"Good night guys I'm heading to bed", "goodnight alpha" everyone says back, "wait I'll go with you" Jason said getting up, I rolled my eyes "fine whatever" I say, "can I sleep in the same bed as you tonight I haven't been able to sleep lately" he said looking sheepish "whatever just don't drool on me" I say stripping to my bra and undies and getting in bed engulfing myself in my covers, shivering at the coldness, I feel the other side dip and warm arms embracing me from behind, I unconsciously snuggle further into him, "This is a one time thing! Okay?" I say while my eyes droop, "Okay" he whispers softly in my ear, before I know it I fall asleep.

~the next day~

Scars pov~

"Wake up" a soft voice whispers in my ear, "Go away mum, no school today.." I mutter putting my some how muscular and arm like pillow over my head, I hear the voice turn deeper and start chuckling.


I jump out of bed and falling on my ass when I realised, "SHIT" I scream, then full blast laughing surrounded the room, "OH. MY. GOD! THAT WAS THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN! YOU MADE MY ENTIRE YEAR" Jason basically shouts while dying of laughter, "glad I'm so amusing to you" I huff storming out of my room forgetting I'm in my bra and underwear.

I walked to the kitchen I got a few wolf whistles from pack members.

'Um what's their problem?' I ask my wolf 'UMMM I DONT KNOW MAYBE THE FACT THAT YOU ARE IN YOUR BRA AND UNDIES!!' I looked down and saw my black Lace bra and my bright neon pink hello kitty underwear "OH MOTHER OF JESUS!!!!" I scream running to my room.

I put my robe on and walked back to the kitchen.

"That was a nice show earlier" a voice Behind me said I turned around and saw...


Sorry for taking so long to update was busy...


OMG who's behind scar

Comment on the names below if you want it to be them-







Stay beautiful!!! Xxx

Sammiethepanda out xxx

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