One Shot: Blinded

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Kirsten's POV:

My eyes flutter open to see my small bedroom. These four beige walls have been my safe place these last few weeks. Ever since that last stitch, its as if I suddenly had all the feelings in the world. I don't know what happened, but now I'm experiences sadness, happiness, anger, confusion, fear, hate and love all at the same time, and their stronger than I expected. The strongest one however, is love. Love is warm and comforting, but also dark and evil and twisted. It has feelings within itself and I can't seem to sort it out because I have never experienced it before. As I sit up, I can feel a stabbing headache start and I groan. Loudly enough I guess for Camille to hear it from the kitchen and come walking in.

"Your finally up" she says, not seeming too excited about it

"Yeah. Ever since that stitch I haven't been feeling myself. I don't know what happened."

"Kirsten?" I hear from the other room. Its Linus. I'm not really in the mood for either of them right now so I pick up my jacket and bag and start to leave. By the time I reach the door, both of them are protesting that I shouldn't leave, but knowing me, they should know that I'm not listening.

"I'm going to Cameron's, chill your face" I say as I push open the door

"Wow. Sass." I hear Camille say as the door closes behind me.

The winter air cuts my face, and its surprisingly cold despite being in L.A. I grab my bike from the other side of the porch, and call Cameron, put in my bluetooth headpiece and he gives me directions to his house while I'm on my bike. When I finally ride up to the apartment building's door, I see him, clad in glasses and plaid pj pants. His shirt is pulled over to one side exposing part of his scar and defined collarbone. I don't know how he's not freezing. His hair gets blown over to the side and I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach and my face go red. Its that love feeling again. I can't seem to shake it. As we walk up the flight of stairs to his apartment, we have a intense argument about wearing coats outside, and as we enter his bachelor's pad, we finally agree that I won the argument. As usual.

The rest of the night is a flurry of red cheeks and fluttery stomachs. Then, as we pull the blankets up to go to sleep, I remember the last time I was here, and why I was here.


That day as I entered the lab, it seemed normal. Linus at his computer, Camille in the break room, eating what looked like to be a churro, and Cameron running around, hair curly and big as ever. However, there was a eerie silence floating in the air and it made me feel uneasy. There was a body in the corpse cassette, so I went and changed as fast as I could. I step in the fishtank and hear Cameron start the basic procedure. Then came the wierd part. When I was stitched in. There was complete darkness. And thats when I broke down.

"Cameron? Cameron oh my god, Cameron whats going on!!??" I say, freaking out

"Talk to me stretch, what do you see?" he replies, his tone soft and comforting

"Nothing, absolutely nothing. Its pitch black." I say my voice elevating

Then came the sound. The piecing sound of a baby crying. Its not the high pitch that hurt. It was extremely loud. Like cotton balls had been plucked from my ears, and my hearing senses were amplified. It startled me, and I screamed. Upon that scream, I could hear Cameron saying he was bouncing me, but barely over the ringing in my ears. Opening my eyes, I could see Cameron run over to the fish tank, plunge his hands in the water to open my ankle straps and pull me out. Camille runs over with a table (on wheels) and Cameron lays me down on it, a frantic look in his eyes. I'm panting so I sit up and wrap my arms around him, my head sinking into his shoulder, and my heart rate slowing down. His arms pull me tighter and I start to cry into his soaking wet sweater. He then realizes that his sweater is wet from pulling me from the fishtank, and he pulls it off, momentarily pulling his undershirt up to reveal his slight abs. I feel a warm fuzzy feeling light up inside of me as he pulls me close again. The next thing I remember, I'm at his house in his bed, in his clothes. I was safe, but I was disappointed when I had to go home. Then I stayed in my room these last few weeks.

Thats the end! Please send recomendations to me, and also leave comments down below, tell your friends, vote and follow my Insta: ola_camsten_fanfic

Love u boo


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