Chapter 1: Prologue

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"Haru! Haru wake up! We're already running late!" Yuki exclaimed.

She quickly threw on her dark blue sailor uniform and combed her hair up into a messy ponytail.

Adjusting quickly for the last time in the mirror, she quickly picked up her school bag and barged out of the room.

Swinging her door open, her brother was already outside of her room, holding two sandwiches wrapped in a piece of tissue paper in each hand.

Tossing her one, he unwrapped his and stuffed it in his mouth.

"Hurry up zettle gurl, we oready lunning late!" Haru exclaimed with the bread in his mouth.

Yuki rolled her eyes and the both of them soon rushed down the creaky stairs. Swiftly putting on their shoes, they banged the main door open and ran out.

The day could not be any worse.

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