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Song of the Day: In The End, by Black Veil Brides

//////A Month Later//////

"Mr. Matthews got in touch with Riley." Maya said, bursting into Lucas's apartment.

Lucas jumped up, spilling boiling water on his hand. "Shit." He said. Maya and Josh rushed over to him, taking the pot of water and dumping it in the sink, while Maya rushed Lucas to the bathroom and soaked his hand in cold water. After a few minutes, Lucas took his hand out.

"You're going to need medical attention dude." Josh said, and he locked up Lucas's apartment, and they drove off to the hospital, Maya practically murdering the speed limit.

"Lucas Friar." Maya said, running up to the nurse in charge of the ER. She wrote his name down, and the three sat together in chairs while they were waiting for Lucas to be called into get whatever he needed done. His hand looked worse than it probably was.

"Okay, next time instead of just running into my apartment, knock." Lucas grumbled. "Now. Mr. Matthews heard from Riley?" Lucas asked, and Maya and Josh shared a look.

"She took Alice out of school, we can't use her as leverage to lure her out of hiding." Maya said.

"But Alice is safe, right?" He asked, and Maya nodded.

"I know Riley, and she would jump in front of a bullet train before anything happened to her daughter, believe me. She may not be the best mother, but I know that for sure. Mr. Matthews said that Riley was going to take her shopping to buy things for her room."

"So they are staying in a definite place." Lucas said.

"Well, from what I know of my niece and what Maya has told me about Riley's patterns and habits, its not going to stay that way for very long. I'd give it a week." Josh said.

"Great." Lucas murmured. "What else did Mr. Matthews say?"

"Nothing really, other than that they are okay. But he did give me something else. Last year, Riley bought a house in Vermont, but because she didn't have a credit card, she had to have a cosign, and her father agreed, as long as he knew the address and all phone numbers."

"Where's the house?" Lucas asked.

"That's the question. He wouldn't give us an address. Which means Maya and I are taking a trip up to New York. But you've got to stay here. We're trying to find Riley, and you might spook her. That and Mr. Matthews said that he doesn't want to see you. And Auggie says hi to you." Josh answered.

"It's out of our control Lucas." Maya added, and the nurse at the front desk called his name. Lucas stood up, and Maya and Josh followed him to the front desk.

"Okay Friar. You're allowed two guests in there with you. And you have two people with you, smart thinking, you don't have to choose this way. Follow me." The nurse said, leading them through the hallways and into a room where a doctor was waiting.

"May I see your hand." The doctor ordered, and Lucas gave out his hand. "You have first degree burns. I'm going to go get you some pain medication and burn medication, and I'll bring some wrap, I need to wrap your hand, and teach you how to do it yourself." The doctor said, leaving.

"Not so bad. Sorry for startling you again." Josh said, clapping a hand on Lucas's back.

"Have you heard anything from Zay?" Lucas asked, a hint of anger in his voice.

"Just one phone call, saying the director has given the case over to another team. When they broke into the FBI, he saw Riley. We were following him to make sure Riley didn't see him, but we were too late. She just yelled 'you' and pointed, before running away."

"She must've been a wreck." Lucas said. "I wish I could've been there for her." He finished, punching his good hand into the wall. Maya and Josh shared a look.

"Calm down buddy." Josh said, sitting Lucas down. The doctor came back to the room and applied the burn cream to Lucas's hand, and then wrapped it, yelling at Lucas when he wasn't paying attention to his directions, until he finally gave up trying to teach him.

After leaving the hospital, the three went back to Lucas's apartment, Maya and Josh being forced to clean the now cold water on the floor under Lucas's watchful eyes.

"So, are you going to go looking for her?" Josh asked, and Maya glared at him. "What? The answer is pretty obvious, I was just pointing out the elephant sized question in the room."

"Yes. I am going after her. I leave in two days. I need to change my flight schedule to Vermont instead of Canada...No. I'm still going to Canada. Riley would've had to transfer all of Alice's school records to her new school. I can go check what school she's at, and I can get her address from her new school."

"That's genius." Maya said. "Why didn't we think of that?" She said turning to Josh, who just shrugged back at her. She turned back to Lucas.

"Mr. Matthews did mention that Riley was coming home for Christmas. She's going to be back in New York soon. If you wait, we can just meet her in New York."

"I can't wait that long to see her Maya. It's been a month of nothing but tracking, and following false leads that she's probably set into place. I found something I can really use Maya. I need to see her. I'm taking the first flight I can, which is in two days. Then I'm going after her."

"Good luck Lucas." Maya said, and her and Josh left. Calling for a Chinese food delivery, Lucas settled down on the couch, when he heard his laptop ring. He sprinted to his laptop, but it was too late. The person who had called him had hung up. It broke his heart.

Riley had tried calling him.

"Shit." Lucas said, slamming the top of his laptop down. He opened it again and tried calling Riley, but she didn't answer. He shook his head, turning his computer off and walking away.


So we had a little time jump there. So Riley has been off the grid for a whole month. Will Lucas find Riley? We'll see.

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