Happy Ending

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Song of the Day: Victorious, by Panic! At The Disco

//////Like Nine Months Later//////

"Have a great day at school!" Riley yelled to Alice, who ran into the school building. When Alice and her backpack disappeared from sight, Lucas turned the key into the ignition, and slowly but surely, he pulled out of his space in the parking lot and began the drive home.

"My baby is in third grade." Riley said, a tear streaming from one of her eyes. Lucas looked at her and took his free hand and rested on top of hers, curling his fingers in with hers.

"So, you're first born is heading into third grade. That's a good thing, she's growing. And with a new one on the way, we have another one we can baby." Lucas said, using his head to signal towards Riley's pregnant stomach. Riley looked up and smiled at him.

"I'm kind of over this whole morning sickness thing though. I didn't like it the last time, I doubt that I like it now." Riley said, and opening her window, she puked. "You may need to clean the side of the car. Like as soon as we get hope, I can't stand looking at it."

"Simple solution. Don't look at it." Lucas said, and she tapped the back of his head lightly. "Only another month or so of this, and six months until she's out."

"I still think it's a boy." Riley said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm telling you, it's going to be a girl. But you want it to be a 'surprise.'" Lucas said, putting air quote marks around the word "Surprise." Riley shook her head and Lucas pulled into the house.

A black car with tinted windows rested in the driveway.

"If I told you to stay here, would you listen?" Lucas asked Riley. Riley and him shared a glance, and both started laughing. "Okay, fine, come with me, but be very careful." Lucas said, and he opened his door, Riley following close behind him.

A federal agent came around from the other side of the building, waving his badge. "Agent and Mrs. Friar. I am Agent White of the Secret Service. And this conversation is completely confidential."

"What is it?" Lucas said, walking closer to the man. The man shrugged, and the Friar's let him in the house. "Tell me sir, what's going on, tell me." Lucas said impatiently.

"Agent Friar, we have a mission for you and your team, as well as your wife and her former team of criminals. And to do this, we are going to allow you to break as many laws as need be. Why? Because of this." Agent White said, tossing a manila folder onto the table. Lucas picked it up and flipped through the folder. He pulled Riley to the side.

"Do you want to do this?" He asked her, showing her the file.

"Do you really think I would let you do this without me?" Riley said, and Lucas walked back over to Agent White. "We accept." Riley said, speaking up.



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