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  • Dedicated to The Fans That Never Gave Up

It's been about a year now since I started the original version of this. I never expected to still be writing this, but here I am. I am so sorry that I messed up the last one, but I promise this one will be better. I will take my time, and I will have this uploaded every week from now on. Tuesdays. I will update every Tuesday, and hopefully every Saturday. I would also like to thank everyone who is rereading this. It truly means the world to me. This one is to all my fans that never gave up on me. I love you guys <3


Growing up without a father was miserable. Every time Father's Day came by I was always reminded that my own father didn't want me in his life. Everyone would always talk about spending time with their dad, or they would even complain about having to do work with him. Honestly, I wish I had a father that I could help all the time. But what hurt the most, was that my mother never wanted me either.

My parents were fifteen when I was born. It never made sense to me that my mother decided to keep me after my father left her. Why didn't she choose to abort me or put me up for adoption? My theory was always that my grandmother forced her into keeping me, since her bad decisions came with a consequence; Me.

"Audrey!" The familiar voice called for me from outside, as I glanced around at the house I grew up in. The house never meant much to me, but it was the only place I ever knew. It may not have had good memories, but they were memories all the same. Taking a deep breath, I picked up my suitcases and walked outside into the bright sunlight.

After spotting my mom in the front seat of her small red car, I walked over and threw the last of my suitcases into the backseat. I didn't say a word as I let myself into the passenger seat. My mom glanced over at me before she pulled out of the drive. I looked in the mirror on my side of the car as we drove away in silence; watching as the small blue house got smaller and smaller.

The car ride was probably the most boring experience in my life. Mom didn't try to speak to me once, but I was actually glad for that. We had nothing to talk about. I tried texting my boyfriend, Colton, but he was busy at swimming practice. So that left me staring out of the car window as we drove past neighborhoods. Kids played outside in their yards with their parents; Throwing baseballs or kicking a soccer ball around. Feeling my throat getting tight, I looked away and kept my eyes trained ahead at the ride before us.

It wasn't long before we arrived at the white two story house. Two expensive looking cars sat out front in the driveway, the grass seemed to be freshly cut, and colorful flowers surrounded the porch. It looked nice; Like the people living in it had money, and I knew for a fact that they did. Because the man's house that we were moving into was my mom's fiance, and his son was the boy I hated with all my heart.


Now if you ask me, I would say that this is MUCH better written than last time. Unlike last time, this is the prolouge (incase you hadn't picked up on that lol). The plot is going to be pretty much the same as before, but there will be some minor changes. Nothing big, but I think you would be a little lost if you tried to pickup where you left off in the other version.

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