Chapter 25

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7 months later


I was in my kitchen making lunch for me and CJ. He stayed home from school today because he's been having these bad headaches so I wanted to keep a close eye on him.

He's still not in the clear since his accident so I can't take any chances.

Since I've came back from New York we moved. I had to get surgery on my left eye because a blood vessel was broken and my vision was ruined. I had to find another reason why it happened to keep him out of trouble.

And like I said before I was only focusing on me and my kids.

Sabrina: so CJ what do you wanna do today? It's just me and you since nana is getting the girls and Caleb

CJ: ummm can we go to the movies and out to eat?

Sabrina: no shopping?!

CJ: noooooo! We'll never get to the movies if I let you go shopping

Sabrina: that's so bold

CJ: I'm trying to help you

Sabrina: I'll buy you something

CJ: I have enough stuff. Can we go now?

Sabrina: I just made us these delicious ass sandwiches though

He got up and put them in the refrigerator.

CJ: save them for the kids

Sabrina: but you are a kid

CJ: mommy I'm almost double digits, I'm not a kid anymore

Sabrina: ugh whatever

CJ: I'm growing up ma and I'm the man of the house

Sabrina: that's true you are the man of the house....ugh I wish you were still my little baby!

I started kissing his cheek

CJ: ma come on! You're getting my face slobbery

Sabrina: no matter how big you get you'll be my little baby.

CJ: ok can we go now?

Sabrina: yes we can

CJ: cool I'll meet you in the car.

He grabbed his phone and ran to the car

I cleaned up the mess I made then went and grabbed my purse and headed outside to the car and we headed out.

CJ: so are you and daddy getting back together

Sabrina: I don't think so this time Chubbs.

CJ: why not?

Sabrina: me and your father decided that it was best we just be friends. I still love him more than anything but we just think that things are better this way.

CJ: can I ask you something

Sabrina: sure, anything

CJ: I overheard nana and grandma talking while you were in New York. Were you really sick or did daddy hit you

I took a deep breath

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