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As I got out of my mom's car I ran into my school .

" Miss . Washington you're late . "

" I know , " I said taking the late slip and running to homeroom .

Today was one of those days that I just want to end already . First off , my mom announced that a foreign exchange student would be coming and staying at our house , and that I would be her personal guide .

It's not that I don't want to be her guide , it's just that I hate meeting new people . Call me antisocial and weird all you want but it was the truth . They few "friends" that I had were only considered my friends because they were chill , cool , and just not that annoying .

" Pst... Leo . "

" What do you want Aveey , you can obviously see I'm trying to finish my work . "

" What the hells got you in a pissy mood . "

" Nothing , just my mom being a bitch . "

Opps I thought , Aveey was trying to do everything in her power to stop me from swearing .

" How was she being a you-know-what ? "

" Well she.... RINGGG !

" I'll tell you at lunch . "


" Well she woke me up at two o'clock which I wasn't really angry about but then she tells me that some random girl is gonna be living with us , like what the heck bruh , who does that ? "

Avee replied with , " So that's what getting you mad , wooow . "

" I know it's bs but , I don't care . "

Avee gave me a whatever look and continued eating . For the remaining ten minutes , we ate in silent peace and wonderful harmony .

" Well see you at practice , " Avee said leaving .

" Ok , bye . "

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