The Idea

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So guys it's great to be back!!  Sorry I left it a while but I wanted a break from writing for a bit but I'm back now!! This is the sequel to Accidentally Adopted by iBallisticSquid so if you haven't read that then read it before this as it won't make sense otherwise!! Hope you guys enjoy!!!

Squid's PoV:
It was great that Izzy could finally live with us permanently with no problems! For the first few days Izzy seemed to be happy but then she had to go back to school and her mood dramatically changed from her usual excited self to a more sad one. I was worried school was going bad but when I asked her she just shrugged her shoulders and walked away.

I was starting to get really worried about her so I went to talk to Nicole.
"Izzy been acting weird lately, I'm worried somethings up." I said to her.
"Yeah, I've noticed that too. I'll talk to her." She replied, I nodded as she walked out the room.

I was really worried that Nicole would come back and tell me Izzy was getting bullied, if she was I would kill whoever was doing it, but what Nicole told me was worse, something that wasn't so easy to short out.

"Izzy is really, really sad and worried about Flo. Apparently Flo is getting bullied cause she is in a wheelchair and she's a care kid." Nicole told me, coming to sit down next to me. Instead I leapt up, "I'm going to call the school then!"
"No!! Squid, it's not just people at school it's just random teenagers when they're walking back, we don't know who they are." She said, pulling me back next to her.
"Oh..." I said sitting down.

I didn't know what to do. I didn't like to see Izzy upset, it reminded me of her before we adopted her - how sad she said she was. When she was with us it seemed so much better.

I looked up, when we adopted Izzy she got happier, so maybe it would work for Flo as well, then I could come and pick them up from school instead of them having to walk back to the care home and then Izzy walking back here after. That would stop them meeting the bullies and maybe make Flo and, therefore Izzy, happier.

I turned to look at Nicole to ask her, I guess she saw the question that was coming and immediately shook her,
"No, I'm sorry. We are not adopting Flo as well."
My heart sank.
"I know it seems that's a good idea but remember I didn't even want to adopt Izzy. I can't adopt Flo as well, I'm sorry." She finished. I knew there was no way that I was changing her mind. I nodded and walked out the room.

A few hours later I got a text from Stamps saying that him and Sqaishey had finally finished moving into the house near us and that they were having a party and if we would like to come. I, of course, said yes and then told Nicole and Izzy about it, they seemed equally as happy as I was.

It would be nice to be able to forget all the stuff that had happened over the past few weeks and just have fun. I needed that, I think we all did.

Izzy's PoV:
I was really excited about seeing Stampy and Sqaishey as I hadn't seen them since I moved in with Squid. I missed them, particularly Sqaishey as she had always been there for me since I met them and helped me through everything. The only thing I wanted was for Flo to come, she was going through some tough times now and I think she would like to go to a party.

I decided to text Sqaishey before asking Squid as Squid is so nice he probably wouldn't want to ask if we could bring and extra person.

Izzy = I      Sqaishey = S

I: Can we bring Flo to your party please?
S: Sure, as long as Squid is okay with bringing her.
I: Yeah he will be fine with it.
S: Ok! See u soon!!
I: C u!

So it was fine with Sqaishey, now I had to tell Squid. I bought my phone to show him just in case he didn't believe me, as I knew that was a definite possibility.

"Squid? Can we take Flo to Sqaishey's and Stampy's party?" I asked.
"We will have to check with th..." He started saying.
I cut him off, "Already did, Sqaishey said it was fine!" I said giving him a innocent smile. He gave me an amused look and just nodded saying it was fine. I was even more excited now Flo was going too. I phoned her immediately and she sounded the happiest she has been since the car hit her. It was great to hear her happy again!

So sorry this was a short chapter, it's just to sort of get back into it again. This story might not be that long depending on how well it goes!

Also I will usually update on Sunday GMT but Friday was easier for today. And the guessing the YouTuber will come back next week!

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