Chapter 2

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So today is the day that we leave for Chicago and it is going to take about 3 hours which isn't that long. And my favorite part is that we are driving at night so we get to see all of the buildings lit up. Since I live in the country and we don't really have a big city, its nice to see the lights because I think that its really pretty, but other people think I'm just weird.

I got all of my stuff packed up, and I had a lot of stuff because I had no clue what I was going to be wearing and its most likely that I would be going shopping for my outfit the day before or somewhere around that time.

My cousin and aunt are driving to my house because its a shorter drive from here to Chicago.

When we were all ready to go we got in the car and we were on our way to Chicago.

I decided to go with a comfortable outfit to drive in a car for 3 hours. I went with my Nike shorts, a Victoria's Secret sweatshirt, and my Nike roshes. (Pic to the side)

The ride was pretty short and it was filled with girl talks and a lot of music. The person that I am most excited to see is G-Eazy (I don't know if he would actually be there, I'm just guessing) because my brother got me into it and I really like his music for some odd reason. And I know what your thinking, how does One Direction and G-Eazy mix together, and the answer is, I really don't know.

After 3 hours in the car, we finally made it to the hotel and we were smack dab, right in the middle of the city. Which made me really happy.

It was around 9pm when we got there and we just checked in and got to our room. But it took us a little while to check in, seeing as everyone decided to come late at night.

I was sitting on a couch waiting for my mom, when I saw someone looking over in my direction. To be honest I didn't know if they were looking at me or not, but I was looking back at them for just a little second. The only thing that I could tell was that it was a guy that looked to be around my age.

~Brooklyn's POV~

I just got to the hotel with all of my friends and I cannot wait to get to this festival.

I'm now waiting for someone to check us all in. My parents agreed to me going to this without them if there was some sort of adult there and there is, my best friend Jared has an older brother thats watching us, and he is checking us in now.

I was talking to Jared when I noticed a girl that was sitting on one of the couches in the lobby.

I was over somewhere, where nobody could really see me because I didn't want any of the paparazzi to come in and do what they do the worst.

But I could not stop staring at this girl. At one point I think she noticed me staring and started to stare back at me, and I did't know what to do so I just smiled and waved, I was just trying to be polite.

Then Jared's older brother Tom came over to us and we went up to our room.

All I could think about was that girl and I don't know what it was about her but she just seemed so cool, I think it was the way that she was dress. She was the most casual person I had seen in that hotel. Even the people she was with were still a bit dressed up. But the thing about her was that she looked so fit that it was okay that she dressed casually.

As we walked in the room I heard some voices coming down the hall and they were from some girls, but I didn't see who it was, but I wonder if it was the girl I saw in the lobby.

I got over to my bed and sat all my stuff down. It was around 9:20 by the time we got into the room and since we had an extra day I asked the guys if they wanted to go out and do something.

They both replied with a "Yeah", so we went out and it was a beautiful night but I really couldn't stop thinking about that girl and how I should have just gone up to her and talked to her.

I'm probably never going to see her again.

~Megan's POV~

I convinced everyone that we should go out and just look around, even though we have all been to Chicago before. But I thought it would be fun to do and that we weren't going to get much sleep anyways.

After about an hour of just walking around and going into places we went back to the hotel and we got ready for bed.

Me and my cousin stayed up and talked for a while.

I was laying in bed and I decided to ask her "What do you think is going to happen on this trip?"

"I really don't know, I think that something big is going to happen to us that may change our lives." she said jokingly.

"Well I mean there is a possibility that something could happen." I said sarcastically

"Why are you asking?" she asked

"Well I mean I feel like something might happen and I know we aren't supposed to talk about boys and stuff like that but I just really want to meet a guy, and there was a guy that was looking at me int he lobby."I told my cousin

"Megan, you really don't need a guy in your life, you know that right?"

"I do know that but I just feel like nothing ever works out between me and guys and I just really want to meet a guy that can talk to me."

"I get what your saying and I think that someday you will find a guy and he will care about you and maybe that day is coming up soon, but just try to keep your mind and heart open."

"Well thanks for that, I'm lucky to have you as a sister."

"Same here. Okay well I think we should go to bed."

"Yeah you're right, goodnight."


Okay so this chapter was a little longer and I mean I think it's pretty good. I hope that you guys like it. I have chapters that I have been saving and I will probably publish most of them today and since I'm on winter break I will have more time to write things. But at the same time I'm starting to get writers block, since I already have the next 9 chapters written. But just look out for those and tell me what you think. Thanks so much(:

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