•Thirty Two•

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I run my hand through my hair when I woke up in the morning, looking around. My mother was gone, she'd went back home after we'd ate last night for work, taking Sean to his house with her. When he saw I was awake he immediately started scolding me for my attempted suicide and cutting myself, but after that started to cry because I scared him to death and because he was happy I was okay.

Sebastian was sleeping, sprawled out over two chairs. I stifle a laugh.

I look to my left to see Leila curled up on the chair, her hair draped over her shoulders in sweet curls. I grin, biting my lip. I lie back in my bed, looking at the spot where'd they'd taken the IV wire out. I sigh, standing to use the restroom.

When I came out, I saw Sebastian was awake and on his phone. I huff, passing him and hoping back into the bed in my hospital clothing.

I look over at him. "Can I take these bandages off?" I ask, pointing to the ones around my wrist.


"Why not?"

"Not until they become scars."

I groan. "Why? They're itchy."

He shrugs. "You'll just have to deal with it. You can't take them off until they heal completely."

I shake my head, looking away. Something popped into my head. "Did they ever find Milo?"

Sebastian's eyes shifted to meet mine, and then back to his phone. "No. They lost their lead," he responds quietly. "Now they're not exactly... looking...."

I felt my stomach drop into my shoes.

"But he's wanted, along with the other gangsters."

"Perfect..." I mutter, biting my thumbnail and staring out the window to the right of me.

"What is?" I hear next to me. I turn to see Leila stretching, waking up.

I give her a small smile. "Nothing. Don't worry about it."

She gazes at me and smiles back. She slowly stands and heads to the restroom. Part of me wanted to follow her in and have a little fun with her, but 90 percent of me was too lazy.

Sebastian stands, stretching. "I'm gonna grab some breakfast, I'll bring you guys up some to share." He grabbed his phone and stuffed it into his pocket.

"I can walk around, you know. I can get my own food."

He shakes his head. "I'm giving you an opportunity to get busy, get back to the old Wyatt again."

"I had an opportunity yesterday."

"Did you have sex?"

"No, but-"

"Did you eat her out?"


"Did she suck you off?"

I knot my eyebrows. "No. Even though I wish all that could happen-"

"Then you didn't use your time wisely. I'm giving you the chance to have a little fun, it's time you did," he calls behind him as he walks out the door.

I growl, rolling my eyes. He was ridiculous.

I hear the bathroom door open and Leila comes out, sighing. She sits next to me on the bed. "Do you want to?"

I frown. "Want to what?"

"I heard the whole conversation. Do you want to actually do all the things he said?"

I narrow my lips. "Maybe."

She raises an eyebrow.

I roll my eyes and shrug. "Yes. I do."

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