•Thirty Four•

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I wake at about 9:00 Saturday morning, to the knocking at the front door. Groaning, I get up and head and out into the cold living room.

Who the hell could be up and knocking at my door at 9 on a Saturday morning?

I huff, pulling open the front door to Leila's father. I give him a small smile, as he was holding a box with Leila's name on it.

"I agreed to let her move in, so I brought her things." He eyes me carefully, and I realized I was only one in a pair of boxers.

"We weren't doing anything," I say. "This is just what I sleep in."

He nods and I let him in to set the box down. "That was heavy, it's filled with her books. Good luck, she's a reader."

I nod. "Thank you for letting her stay with me. I've missed her probably as much as you did."

He sighs, raking a hand through his hair. "She cried for hours. I realized she was happy when she was with you."

I bite down on my lip, crossing my arms over my chest. "Feel free to come visit anytime and see her, just make sure you call ahead."

"So I'd know if you two are screwing around," he says with a laugh.

I laugh too, but less humorously. "I'll just let you know I don't fool around. I had a bad incident in sophomore year and it emotionally scarred me. I haven't had sex since then. She told me she wouldn't even think about it until I was ready."

He nods slightly. "I'm sorry to hear about that."

"And even if I was sexually active," I continue. "I wouldn't try anything without her permission, and I'd be responsible about it."

"Good. Thank you." He claps his hands together, standing straighter. "I'd better haul the rest of her things in."

"I'll help," I offer, going over to the laundry room to throw on a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt before meeting him out on the porch.

He guides me to his truck and I grab a box from it. There weren't very many, but every bit helps.

"Wyatt, now that I've really gotten to know you, I think Leila chose a good man."

I smile. "Thank you. And she's the best girlfriend I've ever had."

We lug boxes in for the next hour, surprisingly not waking Leila with our laughs and chatter.

When we had all of her things in, boxes were strewn on the counters and floor. "Thank you, again Wyatt."

I nod. "No problem."

He begins walking towards the door. Then he stops and faces me. "Are you two coming to the wedding tonight?"

I frown, cocking my head. "Wedding?"

He nods. "Leila's cousin is getting married. I hope to see you both there."

I nod lightly in thought, and walked out with him. We bid our goodbyes.

I jaunt back to my room, lying down on my stomach next to a still sleeping Leila. I heave a sigh, extending my hand to reach hers, which was out in front of her. I watch as her eyes slowly open.

I smile, seeing those green eyes I loved. "Morning, princess."

She beams. "Hi."

"Your dad dropped by and brought your stuff over," I say, lacing our fingers together.

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