chap 1

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I woke up with a HUGE headache in a big room I've never seen before. I looked to the side and there was a note, a glass of water, and some pills. I immediately drank the pills and water. I picked up the note and read it.

Hello, Calum T. Hood,
I took you away from your hell of a home. More like kidnapped, I'm sorry. There are three other boys here.  They had a same life as you and I couldn't bare it. Except one thing, NEVER leave the house, alright? I can't risk anyone noticing you or the boys. You don't need to tell them, I already wrote them similar notes. While you are sleeping, about five times every month, I will put new clothes into your wardrobe.
P.S.- I will reveal myself soon! Don't worry.

I smiled a bit, knowing that I don't have to go back home. I walked out of the room and was greeted by a HUGE hallway. It was white, with green, yellow, grey, blue, black, red, and silver dots. The carpet was very soft. There were also lights on the walls, but they were obviously off. I also saw three other rooms, with the names Michael, Ashton, and Luke. Must be the other three boys. Each room had a name on it, like bathroom, closet, living room, library, game room, etc.

I walked into the kitchen and gasped. It was amazing! The floor was black and white, the walls were white and baige. There was a huge table with a white tablecloth spread across. The chairs also had plastic on the seating. I didn't notice the three boys sitting until one spoke up.

"Oi mate! Come sit 'ere! We were waiting for you!" A boy with curly hair said. He smiled and I noticed his dimples. I slowly made my way over.

"So, let's get to know each other. Say your name, age, hobbies, stuff like that." A boy with red hair said. He had green-blue eyes and may I say, he was cute!

"Um, can we say our sexuality?" I asked awkwardly. I wanted them to know what I was before we were all friends. If we were friends and they found out then, they'd probably hate me. Red hair nodded.

"I'll go first. I'm Michael Gordon Clifford. I'm 15 and I love playing the guitar, eating pizza, sleeping, and playing video games. I'm uh gay..." Michael bit his lip.

"I'm Calum Thomas Hood. I'm also 15, I play the bass, and I love eating, dogs, sleeping, and playing video games too. I'm also gay." I smiled at Michael.

"Me and Luke here are the same!" Dimples said. We go to the same high school." I nodded.

"Luke Robert Hemmings, 15, singing, eating, sleeping, video games." Lip ring said. I mean, Luke.

"Ashton Fletcher Irwin, 15, drumming, eating, sleeping, video games." Dimp— ASHTON, said. We sat in silence for a long time.

"I'm hungry," Michael whined. He poked out his lip.

"You're lucky I know how to cook," Ashton chuckled. He got up and Luke went with him. They were making bacon, eggs, pancakes, waffles, and probably tea or orange juice. Maybe milk with it! Who knows. I smelt toast. That too.

After what felt like hours, Michael and I got up to get our food. I went back to my seat and started eating. I drank my orange juice and looked over to Michael. I chuckled when he had a milk moustache.

"Mike, moustache," I chuckled. He put his finger above his lip and made a face at the wet feeling, then realized what it was. He wiped it off and laughed.

"So, I saw a game room, wanna play COD maybe?" I asked. The three nodded and we put our plates in the dishwasher, along with our cups, and walked out. We went into the game room and I swear Michael almost fainted. There was an Xbox, a wii, a PS4, some PC computers, and two boxes in the middle. We went over to the boxes and read the note.

Dear C.A.L.M.
I have bought you laptops and iPhones. The laptops and iPhones each come with a set of 2 headphones and earphones. If you think I mean only 2, you're wrong. You each have 4. Also, for the WII, Xbox, and PS4, there are loads of games in the red, white, and green cabinets. Please drop off a note in the orange bin in the corner of the room if you want more games.

"Whoever this G person is, they are amazing!" Michael exclaimed. "They bought us COD, FIFA, oh my god, I see some Sims games." I took a glance at him and noticed he was smiling like a little kid and was really happy. He looked really cute.

"Can we play sims 4?" Michael pouted. Okay, who could say no to that face?

"Yeah!" I replied. We grabbed the Xbox controllers and started playing.  Michael made him and I, then I made Luke and Ashton. We played for about 20 minutes, then got bored and walked around.

"Wanna go bake cookies?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure!" Michael agreed. We hurried out of the room, asked Luke and Ashton, then the four of us made our way to the kitchen.

I could tell I would get use to living here.

THANKS @Iarryyy for the cover

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