chap 3

319 11 6

After quite an amazing day, I was going to bed now. I looked around the hallway, inspecting details now. There were mini designs of puppies and kittens close to the ground, hidden by the dots.

I reached my room and shut the door. I yawned and went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I sat on my bed and smiled a little. It was now 11:05. I changed into a pair of pajamas and flopped onto my bed. I set my alarm to 9 am on my phone and layed there for a bit.

I closed my eyes and was met by sleep, taking over.

*Time skip - 1:22 a.m.*

I was awakened by loud screaming and crying, which caused me to jump up and fall out of the bed.

"Oww," I groaned while rubbing my head. I tried to stand up but my leg was caught in the sheet causing me to fall again. I grunted and untangled my feet then ran outside to see what was going on.

I saw Calum's door wide open, so I ran over to his room.

There he was, crying.

"Calum! What happened?" I now noticed Luke and Ashton in the room, too. They both had an expression of confusion, worry, and sleepiness.

"I-I," he tried speaking, but he couldn't. He just kept crying. I sat on his bed and hugged him.

"Shh, we're here, don't worry," I tried calming him down. "don't cry, I wanna you smile."

He stopped a little bit and Ashton and Luke said they were going back to sleep.

They left the room and there was silence until he spoke up.

"Nightmare..." he mumbled.

"Oh," I said. I'll ask him about it in the morning, when he's fully awake.

"Um, if it's not too much to ask, can you, um sleep here with me?" He asked.

I bit my lip for a few seconds.

"Sure," I said. "I'll be back." I ran to my room and got my phone, setting the alarm to a lower volume. I placed it on the night stand next to Calum's bed and got it. For the second time, I was met by sleep.

*8:59 a.m.*
I woke up and groaned quietly. I just lost one minute of my sleep. Luckily, Calum was still sleeping, so I grabbed my phone and attempted to run out.

But I tripped.


I landed with a THUD and I mentally cursed whatever tripped me. I heard Calum wake up and laugh.

"Wow. Thanks," I muttered. I got up and left the room.

I could still hear him laughing.

I ran to my room, took a shower, and changed into a black sweater and black jeans.

I walked out and met everyone in the kitchen.

"I want foooooooooooooooooooooooooood!" I whined.

"There's toast. And pizza." Ashton said.

I dived for the pizza.

"MINE!" I yelled. I sat on the table with like.. 4 large slices of pizza. Yum.

I ate out my slices and washed my plate. I went into the instrument room and looked around again. I'll come back later.

For now, I'm gonna play video games.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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