Chapter 1- The Journal

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*Important Author's Note!*

This story is coordinated with a book called "When Lies Become Reality" by CassidyWindsor319460. Read both our books and be merry!! Just kidding. Never be merry!!


Chapter 1.

Life turned out way better than I thought it would after Stephanie left. Stephanie was my best friend since we were kids. My twin brother Jake, Stephanie, and I were like the three musketeers, we were inseparable. Stephanie and her little brother Nick moved out of our quaint town and into foster care after a very traumatic event happened with her family. We had a very close knit group of friends in high school. I don't talk to either one of them now.

When I was younger, my dad cheated on my mom and they got divorced. My dad left and soon after my mom became depressed. The pills the doctor gave her always made her tired and not feel anything. So, she was always in bed and when she was awake she didn't even give a damn about her own kids. Jake and I had to grow up pretty quickly.

During the series of events in which Stephanie and Nick had to move away, my father came back into the picture. He arrived unexpectedly. During this visit, my mother had a mental breakdown. Jake and I were used to her panic attacks, but this was much worse.  I'm talking kicking, screaming, crying, and throwing anything in sight. Even attempted suicide. Jake flipped out at our dad, literally kicked him out of the house. Good thing too, no one wanted to see that bastard again.

With everything that was happening, I became distant from my friends. Stephanie was gone and I didn't have her new number. My old friends had dropped me, and I had no one. My mother went to rehab after her suicide attempt and Jake tried to move on like nothing happened. For some reason, I was really mad about that. How could he go back to school and pretend like nothing had happened?

During my time of loneliness, I felt empty, I was just numb. I hated having no emotion so I had to feel something, even if it was just pain. My best friend was soon replaced with my razor blade. Thankfully Taylor was able to break me out of my shell. Unfortunately, that didn't stop the cutting.

Taylor is my new-new best friend. Her friends are my friends now. They have helped me with so much and I am truly blessed to have them. Really, Taylor and Jay are my best friends. But I consider Ryan and Jesse my best friends also. After Taylor and I started hanging out, I noticed a guy always walking around by himself. So one day I asked him to sit with us at lunch. That guy was Jay. We are really close now and tell each other everything. I was even the first one he came out to. Yes, he's gay. Ryan is Taylor's boyfriend. Apparently, they've been going out for as long as they can remember. And, they fight like an old married couple. It's so cute! Jesse has a girlfriend also, but she's a prep and hangs out with all the cheerleaders and jocks.

Right now, I'm still pretty lonely. I still cut but, Jake and I have made up and he is such an overprotective big brother... by fifteen minutes. He would hurt anyone who tried to hurt me and Jay, Ryan and Jesse would do the same. Actually, Taylor would probably do more damage then all of them put together. I love her for that.

I close my journal that my therapist gave me. She says if I write down my thoughts and feelings it will help get me out of this 'rough patch' in my life. I really don't know if it's a rough patch or more so a deep pit of mud. Either way she's the therapist and if I try and contradict her, she will probably write me a prescription for Bipolar Disorder or something.

I lay my pen down and rub a hand across the front of my leather bound journal. It's black and she said I could customize it however I liked. I added a skull on the front with a chain drooping down under it. It was pretty cool if I do say so myself. Although, my therapist thought it meant something deeper and troubling. I assured her it didn't mean anything like that, but come to think of it, it probably did.

Deciding that I should probably get ready for class now, I drag myself out of my nice, warm bed. The cold air on my bare legs gave me goose bumps. I walk quietly to the bathroom in the hall of our small home. My mother never got out of bed so this family lived off her unemployment check and mine and Jake's paycheck at our after school job's. We could only afford a house barely big enough to fit us. The bathroom door was closed so I assumed Jake was in there. I rap lightly on the door.

"Jake? Are you done in there?"

The door swings open and out steps Jake in a dark wash pair of jeans and a Green Day t-shirt. "Yep, all done." He pulls me in for a hug and I quickly wrap my arms around him. I missed him when we were fighting. He feels so guilty now, he said he wishes he was there for me more. He kissed the top of my head, laying his cheek on my hair. "How are you doing? Are you listening to what you therapist is telling you?" He leans back to look at me.

"Yeah, I am. I have this journal she wants me to write in now."

"Am I in it?" He asks smiling.

"Oh but of course." I say in a fake French accent.

"Go on you nerd." Jake says as he pushes me into the bathroom laughing. I close the door and start brushing my hair and teeth. I wash my face and put on some eye liner and mascara.

After going back to my room to get dressed in grey jeans and a black long sleeve V-neck, I walk out into the kitchen and grab the box of Crunch 'n Munch. I get about five in my mouth when the box is taken from above and behind me. I turn around to see Jake eating the Crunch 'n Munch.

"This stuff isn't good for you. Especially in the morning."

"Then why do you get to eat them?" I screech trying to get the box back. I jump up but he's too tall. It reminded me of a game of Monkey in the Middle... with two people.

"Because I'm older and more mature. Now come on Munchkin. It's time for school."

"Fifteen minutes Jake. Get over it." I say walking out the front door.

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