Chapter two

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Get up time for school. I said as I walked down the hallway to the bathroom. Mom wat time is it? Lasha ask as she got up.6:00 I yell out tell mon'e to get her ass up y'all no how long it take y'all to get ready.after using the bathroom I hopped in the shower stayed bout fifteen minutes n got out went n my room and put on my work clothes. Wen I came down lasha was n the kitchen drinking some orange juice were is mon'e .Mom u know how slow she is. Mon'e hurry up I want to leave bout 7:30 so I can get to my new job early. And don't go n my bathroom messing with my makeup. I hate we they go in my bathroom.I am so happy they got they own. As we got in the car mon'e asked could she hook her phone to the radio .I don't care just don't play no lame song. As we pulled up at the school all they friends were standing waiting on them.Hey mom jasmine said as lasha hopped out letting the seat back so mon'e could get out.hey jaz I said mom wen u gone let me take the challenger for a spin.I had a purple challenger with purple rims two TV n it with some nice sounds, I also got a pink porsh to. Maybe one day I yell as I pull of .it was 8:30 wen I pull up at franklin nursing home.I walked in my boss greeted me at the door i see u early.I just wanted to walk around in get a feel in meet some of the people I am gone by working with.OK fellow me to the break room I will show u were to clock in at. After that we walked up the hall n she introduce me to a couple of people.and it went from there .by lunch time I was tired as hell but I liked it. after lunch I finish my rounds in head to the desk to do my paper work. After I got off I went to the boys and girls club to pick up the girls. They always went there after school.Mom I heard mon'e call as I walked in the door were is lasha  I said as she ran over to me .she over there playing volleyball. Tell her to come on I got to go. We stopped in got a 10 piece from  church's  we pulled up at home.I ran in the house str8 to the shower in hopped in.after getting out the shower I rolled me a fat blunt in layed across the bed. Turned on my stereo n listen to some rich homie play .I fired up my blunt hit it a couple of times n put it out n the ashtray. Slipped on a lil dress in some sandal and walked down stairs. I open the frig to get a drink but there was no drink in there .Now they no hate not having no drinks .who in the hell drunk all the drinks up I shouted. Lasha mon'e yelled no I didn't lasha yell u need to stop lying before I punch u n the face.shut up I'm walk to the corn store in get one.I walked out the door in walked up the street. Hey Ms.Linda I said as I pasted by her  house .That's my neighbor she think she was young.hey boo were u go to the store I said, wait bring me a black n mild  back she said handing  me a dollar.OK I said as I got to the store  I saw this dude seat in  his car looking at me.(y the fuck is his staring at me for dam) Hey ma  he said.wat up? Nothing, I said u from @ here he said .yep I stay down the street.o u look good n that dress, thanks I said. You smoke weed? yea, I can come n blow with u sometime.OK that will be fine.I said as I walked off; hey hold up how am i supposed to contact u.O my bad i said as I give him my number.

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