Redheads and Remixes

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She really didn't intend to turn this into a big deal. She just needed a way to get this song out of her head. A little escape. Though even now the astounding vocals of the lead singer in the song Beca was lightly humming to still left her speechless, which was completely unlike Beca, who always had a sarcastic comment or a snide remark.

The brunette drummed her fingers on the wood of her desk while she stared intently at her computer screen. She wasn't sure what time it was, only that it was really late, or really early in the morning. She did know though, that'd she'd been working on this mix the past five hours or so, and it was, finally, nearly done. Except, nearly wasn't done, so Beca mentally kicked herself for getting her hopes up. She sighed, going over to File and slowly scrolling through the multiple options, before hitting the Save As... option and going through her files, until selecting one as saving the mix she was working on as Mash-up_9 . 27 . wav to her hard drive. She'd never admit it, but Beca was a spastic saver, constantly worried that her work would get erased.

The petite woman sighed, and she lightly closed her Mac. She sat back in her chair and stared at the ceiling for a few minutes, unconcerned that she probably woke up Kimmy Jin a few times by randomly humming lyrics from the song. After a while, or, more like, when the kink in Beca's neck started to really bother her, she stretched and reached over her desk to grab her phone. She lightly pressed her thumb again the power button, the screen illuminating her face with an unnatural light. Beca groaned as she saw the time. 3:49AM. She really hated herself for letting herself stay up this late when she had a morning class tomorrow. Or, today. Not that she really had to take her Intro To Mythology class. Right? No, she shouldn't think like that. But it was really tempting.

Beca sighed again, for what seemed like the 100th time that night. She shook her head and stood, taking off her headphones and setting them on her laptop, which she pushed to the back of her desk. She glanced out the window to her left, scanning the campus. Save for the occasional dorm light, the school was dark and quiet. Beca wondered if the little diner near her dorm was still open at 4AM, but she doubted it. So instead, she walked a few steps over to her bed and flopped down onto her back, before grabbing a pillow and curling up into it, still lightly humming the now familiar tune. And she was still humming around 4:30AM, when she fell asleep.


Beca's phone went off at 7:30AM, like it was supposed to. She really hated when it did that. The brunette groaned, scrunching her eyes shut for another minute or so, trying to buy herself some more time. But that's when she remembered that time didn't work like that, and she wasn't some time lord like the Greek Titan she was supposed to be studying for the class she was supposed to be going to.

And that god damn song was still running through her mind. Really, she'd only heard two solid times. Maybe a few times on the radio, but she never really payed attention to it, not really. She'd kinda just labeled it under stupid generic pop song. But then she heard it the second time, the second solid time, and while she was right about the instrumental being some stupid generic pop beat, the singer's voice was enchanting.

The tiny DJ distracted herself momentarily by thinking of the ginger female singer. She didn't even know her name, but Beca had already made a sort of emotional attachment to her, not that she'd ever admit that out loud. It amused her for a little while, before her second alarm, (appropriately titled Stop daydreaming, and hurry up) sounded around her small door room. She stuck up her middle finger at it briefly before she shut it off and got out of bed.

After a little while, Beca stood in front of her door, wearing her over-worn red tank top, a dark purple and black flannel, a pair of skinny jeans and her converses. She sighed deeply as she turned the doorknob, knowing full well she was late and she'd probably get yelled at.

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