Never be good enough.

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"I just wanna be normal!" Alex cried out, grabbing fistfuls of his hair and pulling, sobbing harder than ever.
That was when Jack came in, walking over and slowly taking the boys hands in his own, holding them tight. "You are normal, Alex." Jack spoke softly. "You're just unique."

Alex only cried harder, digging his nails into Jack's hands. It wasn't on purpose. He couldn't help it.

"Shh, shh. It's okay, Alex. You're okay. You're okay." Jack cooed, taking both of the younger's hands in one of his own and using his now free arm to pull the crying boy closer to his chest.

Alex cried, gasping for air as he reached the end of his episode.

Jack simply petted the boy's hair, rubbing soothing circles into one of his hands with his thumb.

And eventually, Alex calmed down.

"I just wanna be normal.." Alex whispered, his voice hoarse and shaky.

"You are normal, though! You're unique! Special! You're so special, Alex." Jack smiled, looking down at Alex, using his free thumb to wipe the tears away.

"But I'm not like you! I don't have a penis, I don't have a flat chest, I'm never gonna be good enough!" Alex tried to scream, weakly pushing the elder away.

"Alex-" Jack tried, but was immediately silenced by Alex's body hitting the floor, knees spread apart as he cried once more. Jack didn't think it was possible. He thought he was out of tears.

"Babe, babe please.." Jack spoke softly, approaching the younger slowly. The two were never a thing. And if Jack were to admit, he liked him. He really did. But wasn't sure if Alex felt the same.

Alex's head lifted up ever so slightly, looking up at the elder with tears in his eyes.

"W-what..?" He mumbled, confused.

"Baby..?" Jack spoke again.

Now Alex was just confused. Baby? Babe? They'd never used such pet names in their friendship before. Alex actually... Liked it. He liked this.

Alex sniffled, rubbing his eyes and just staring up at Jack, biting his lip slightly.

"C'mere," Jack smiled softly, leaning down and picking Alex up, having little difficulty doing so, given the boy was 5'4, and light as a feather.

Jack sat on the couch, Alex in his lap as he pet his hair affectionately, calmingly.

Alex continued to sniffle, leaning his head on Jack's shoulder, purring softly as Jack hummed.

"You are normal. Just because you have your girl parts still yet, doesn't make you any less of a man." Jack cooed, rocking the boy in his arms slightly.

"But it still hurts..." Alex mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest, just below where his binder was.

"I know, baby, but it'll stop hurting soon. I promise." Jack continued to speak softly, using his free hand to tilt Alex's chin up slightly, just so he could look him in the eye. "Promise." Jack whispered, watching as Alex's eyes flicked from his eyes to his lips, then quickly back to his eyes.

Jack found it was the perfect moment, and leaned closer slightly, attaching their lips in a soft, but loving kiss.

Alex kissed back, moving the arms that were crossed over his chest around the elder's neck, locking his fingers together.

Jack's hand was soon moved to his cheek, cupping his face as he pulled away. "Better?" He asked, a smile creeping onto his face.

Alex nodded, "Much better."

(A/N this is short, and it's only supposed to be a oneshot but... I wrote this when I felt dysphoric, so if you're trans, you'll probably get how Alex is feeling. If this is good enough maybe I'll make it a series?)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2015 ⏰

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