Chapter 3: Exposed

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I walked in the house after taking out the garbage. Daya texted me that she was on the way home. I had ordered in her favorite meal from Cheesecake Factory. Shrimp Alfredo and garlic bread with chocolate cheesecake. It was sitting on the counter waiting on her after a long day.

I walked to the sink to wash my hands and heard my phone vibrating on the counter. After drying them with a paper towel, I skipped over to pick it up and saw that it was Nessa calling.

Me and Nessa were in a good place now. After I slept with her and she wanted to kill herself, I stepped back and let her alone. Eventually though, we became cool again and even Daya found a way to open up to her. They weren't tight, but I respected the fact that Daya could turn what happened around.

"Tes speaking," I answered and put on speaker phone as I continued to clean the kitchen.

"Hey Tes. What you doing?" She asked on the other end.

"Nothing much just cleaning up a little bit." I said while picking up a crumb off the counter and throwing it in the trash.

"I bet that house is nothing but spotless. You and Daya are just alike. Neat freaks who have nothing better to do so you make up shit to clean." She said as I heard a baby crying in the background.

"It's not our fault we not ratchet like your dirty ass," I said after a little pause. "I'm just playing Ness. What's good with you? Is that a baby I hear crying?"

"You better be playing with your old musty, crusty, disgusting ass. But yea. I'm at Paul's and it's his week with Bayleigh, Brian, and Bentley."

"Nessa you still fucking around with that dude? What I told you?"

For the past couple of months Nessa has been seeing Paul. I never met him during that stage when they were talking, but from what I hear he liked Nessa and treated her right. A couple months into the relationship, he surprised her with the fact that he had three kids, ages 6, 3, and 8 months. Now Nessa playing stepmom and she way too young to be doing that. She deserved better but her hard headed ass was determined to make it work.

"You told me a bunch of shit, but this is my life and I do what the hell I want. I know what I'm doing Tes. I promise I'm not that little girl anymore who needs you to guide me through life. Thank you for your input but I don't need it."

I sighed while spraying disinfectant on the counter and wiping it down. "Cool cool, but I ain't trynna hear it later. What's going on?"

"Now I was calling to invite you and Daya to my birthday dinner and kickback. Nothing major. Just a few friends, a few bottles, and a few blunts after a nice dinner at Giraldo's. This Friday night at my apartment."

"Imma be there and Daya should if she ain't gotta do something. What you want for your birthday?" I asked as I heard the door opening and then close.

"I don't want anything and you better not come with a gift. If you do I swear to god you getting your ass beat. Point blank, period.

"Yea yea lets see what you gonna do. But imma talk to you later. Bae just got in."

"Alright. Tell Daya wassup for me and congratulations on finishing up school."

"Appreciate it. Bye Ness," I said while hanging up the phone, putting it on the charger, and going to find Daya.

I quietly walked to the living room and found Daya sitting on the couch looking down at her phone.

"How your tests went?" I asked making her jump.

She got up and ran into my arms and gave me kiss.

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