1- Confessions

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It was a day, as ordinary as every other day. The sun was setting a nice orange color, School had just let out, and childhood friends, Kanou and Ami were walking home together.

"H-Hey... Kanou.." Ami looked up at him.

"Hm, What is it, Ami?" He looked back down at her, Warmly smiling.

"I-I need to tell you something.." Her face flushed light pink as she said this.

"I'm listening.."

"I-I've.. Liked you f-for awhile now.."

He looked down, Blushing, Standing still and silent for a moment. Finally he replied, "R-Really..?" Ami slowly nodded.

"I.. I had no idea you felt that way, Ami," He turned back to her smiling once again. "I've liked you for awhile too.."

She gazed up at him smiling right back. Suddenly, Kanou softly pressed his lips to hers. Ami deeply blushed, Kissing him back passionately. He picked her up wedding style, Still kissing her.

When he finally pulled away, He gently set Ami back to her feet. "C'mon, I'll walk you home.." He says softly.

Ami was as happy as can be. She gently held his hand as she lead him to her house.

"So, I'll see you at school tomorrow?" Ami asked, Happily as they approached her front door.

Kanou slightly frowned, "I don't think so. I don't think you'll see me for a while, actually..."

"W-What do you mean?" Ami frowned.

"I can't tell you.. Anyway.. I-I should be getting home.. My dad'll get worried.."

"Wait! Please.. Tell me why.. I-I.. I don't want to lose you!" Ami's eyes start forming tears.

"I'd be putting your life at stake.. I'm sorry.. I should've told you sooner.." He sighed, and stared at the ground.

Ami grabbed him and buried her face into his chest, Sobbing.

"Please, Don't cry, Ami. You'll make me sad.." Kanou says, Gently stroking her hair. "..Look, I can't tell you anything, But I can show you." Kanou slowly pulls away from her tight grasp and slowly pulls off his shirt, Revealing a large tattoo on his chest of a flaming skull. "I-I'm in a gang.."

Ami stared up at him in awe,  "W-Why...?"

"I have to go now, Ami. I love you.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2013 ⏰

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