Chapter 1

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I can't feel. I can't feel pain. I have congenital insensitivity. My name Olivia Kelson. I was home schooled most of my life. My mom died a short while ago so I was forced to live with my father. He is making me go to public school for my senior year. I have a dark sense of fashion. My favorite pieces of clothing are beanies, converse, black, and purple. This is my first year of public school. Yahhhh( sarcasm noted)

I awake from my one hundred dollar alarm to sound of Katy Perry singing 'Roar'. I wake up, take a steamy shower, and put contacts in my light green eyes. I have a step sister and her name is Mikayla. She is all too nice for my liking. She also wants to know my business 24/7. Its really gets annoying if you ask me. Nobody knows about what I have and I intend on keeping it that way. I had to pretend I was hurt in front of my dad and Mikayla for that just that sake. I throw on a 'Take me to wonderland' black and white tee, my black jeans, a black and white beanie, and some white converses. Its a pretty solid first day outfit if I do say my self. I  walk downstairs to be greeted by my dad, Mikayla, and our chef Angie. "Hey Guys" I say with a fake smile plastered on my face. They all look my way and smile then nod. I take a seat on an island stool and then there is my food waiting for me. Once I see what's on my plate, my smile instantly drops. " Hey Angie, not meaning to be greedy but I HATE chocolate." I quickly give her a smile. I try to be the perfect sister and daughter that my dad and Mikayla wants so that I can avoid any trouble. "You know what Angie, its all right i'll just eat a breakfast bar." She nods and I walk out the door to my bright blue Honda.


I park my car and get out to take a look at my new school. I know by looking at it that I'm gonna hate it already. I start walking when I suddenly fall on my butt. "Watch out you-'' he stops when he sees me. He is till glaring at me when I give him a friendly smile. He lightens up and offers me a hand but I quickly decline and hop up. He has a shocked expression on his face. I don't really know how this school thing works so I am going to trying to be friendly with every one possible. " Hi I'm Kian" he says. I nod and reply " Olivia and can you tell me what home room is?". He chuckles " What it is or where?" I offer another smile " Both, I kinda just started actual public school." He looks shocked but then starts walking and issued me to follow him. I walk into the huge school and look at my surroundings. He takes me to an office which I assume is the principals. I get my schedule and go to my first class with the help of Kian that is.


I am walking down the hall to the cafeteria when I spot Kian and his huge friends. " Hey Kian" I yell while sprinting towards him. He looks where the voice is coming from then he spots me. He smiles but the smile drops as quickly as it came then rushes into the tumult of kids heading into the cafeteria. I stop to take a breather when  I fall flat on my face. Someone pushed me, I know that much. I quickly get up clearly unaffected by the pound that my head did with the ground. I look up to see a group of guys about twice the size of me. They look at me with confused glances. The one in the middle starts to speak " Umm hey you got a little something on your face" he says with a serious and nervous tone. I take my hand and feel my forehead and then I feel a huge bump smack dab in the middle of my forehead. " Ow?" I say more sounding like a question. They all look confused so I look around to see a ocean of weird and confused glances. Then all of a sudden every one starts bursting out laughing. I was now the one with the confused look. The guy on the side says between laughs " Alert Alert we got one tough lady right here!" After he says that everyone starts laughing again. I glance at the group of boys when I see the one in the middle has stopped laughing and is staring straight at me with his greyish blue eyes. " Come with me" he says while grabbing my wrist and leading me away from the crowd.

Sorry Guys but I am a total sucker for a good cliff hanger(:

- Magic Amaiya

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